Omnivore - Looking for Cuban in town?

The closing of Kool Korner and the Havana Sandwich Shop has many in-town residents in withdrawal from their Cuban food habit. But Las Palmeras (368 Fifth St., 404-872-0846), long a favorite for me in Midtown, is still open after about 15 years.

I always get the same thing here, the masitas de puerco — pieces of slow-cooked pork, crispy and juicy, topped with the restaurant’s oniony mojo sauce.  Typically, I get sides of moros (black beans cooked with rice) and fried yuca with more mojo (shown in the background).

Wayne always gets the Cuban-fried chicken.

The flan here is one of my favorites anywhere. It’s extremely dense with barely an air pocket to disturb the sweet, velvety, cold and creamy texture.

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