Mass Destruction Metal Fest takes over the Loft Nov. 3-4
Macabre, Demoncy, Profanatica, and more lay waste to Midtown this weekend
DemoncyAlix Vallecillo - LVTHN SGHTThe Southeast’s most twisted metal festival takes place this Friday and Saturday nights at the Loft.
The inaugural Mass Destruction Metal Festival 2017 puts extreme metal on blast as a lineup featuring performances by death and black metal bands Profanatica, Acheron, Tombstalker, Brutality, Abazagorath, Emablmer, and more satiates the bloodlust for those who seek faster, more violent, and aggressive shredding, blast beats, and heresy that moves at break-neck speeds.
Macabre headlines Fri., Nov. 3. Demoncy headlines Sat., Nov. 4. Bring ear plugs, slather on the corpse paint, and say your prayers to the old gods of darkness and ear-splitting decibels.
Mass Destruction Metal Festival 2017. $75-$85 (two-day tickets). $45-$50 (single day tickets). 5 p.m. (doors) each night. 1374 West Peachtree St. 404-885-1365.