LISTENING POST: Glenn Phillips Band continues the tradition

Kamikaze guitarist celebrates Day-After-Thanksgiving #22 at the Red Light Cafe

Glenn 2
Photo credit: Courtesy the Mayor of Brookhaven Beach
INTELLIGENT BEINGS BOUND FOR PARTS UNKNOWN: Jeff Calder (left) and Glenn Phillips.

Glenn Phillips Day-After-Thanksgiving Show at Red Light Café — Guitar wizard Glenn Phillips returns to Red Light Café for the 22nd edition of his Day-After-Thanksgiving Show]. As usual, Phillips will be joined onstage by members of the Glenn Phillips Band, The Supreme Court (Jeff Calder), the Hampton Grease Band (Mike Holbrook), and special guests. Crazy energy galore and unparalleled instrumental pyrotechnics are guaranteed to cure Turkey torpor. For the uninitiated, Phillips recently released a version of “Little Drummer Boy” on Bandcamp, which will provide a taste of what to expect at the After-Turkey fandango.

Tickets $20 advance; $25 door. Doors 7 p.m. Two sets – 8 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. – everyone is welcome to stay for both sets. Masks strongly encouraged, but not required. Red Light Café, 553 Amsterdam Ave. NE, 30306.

Fri., Dec. 1-Sat., Dec. 2

The Blind Boys of Alabama Christmas Show at Eddie’s Attic --  Ticket-buyers beware: The Blind Boys of Alabama two-night stand at Eddie’s Attic in Decatur is certain to be a sellout. The press release gets it right: The Blind Boys of Alabama “are not just gospel singers borrowing from old traditions; the group helped to define those traditions in 20th century and almost single-handedly created a new gospel sound for the 21st.” Seven decades on since they began performing in 1939, The Blind Boys are led by founding member Jimmy Carter. Benjamin Moore, an Atlanta native who joined the group in 2008, passed away in May.

Tickets $50. Fri., Dec. & Sat., Dec. 2, doors 6 p.m., music 7 p.m. Eddie's Attic, 515 B North McDonough St., Decatur 30030.

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