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Alternative Relationship Education Workshop Event

Friday June 2, 2017 08:30 AM EDT
Cost: $75 for workshop only, $125 with Atlanta Poly Weekend
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change. Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.

From the venue:

Despite efforts to maintain non-judgmental attitudes, most mental health professionals know so little about sexual and relational diversity that their responses to clients who “come out” to them can range from off-putting surprise to a disapproval that has anecdotally even done damage to clients, and created barriers to future treatment. We hope to prevent these experiences by educating mental health professionals in the areas of sexual, gender and relational diversity - specifically alternative relationship structures, considerations of relational attraction, sexual identity, and gender expression. Presenters have been selected from local professionals with experience in treating these populations, many with involvement and national exposure in the development of mental health standards in this area.

This workshop will have four classes and a group panel discussion, providing six CEs* (pending approval). There will be a lunch break in the middle of the day.

Please join us June 2nd and share with any friends or colleagues who may be interested! For more information and to register, please visit http://arewe.relationshipequalityfoundation.org/AREWEAPW

When you register for ARE WE, don’t forget to include admission to Atlanta Poly Weekend, Relationship Equality Foundation’s family-friendly three day conference focusing on education, activism, and social networking for polyamorous people and their supporters. After completing your CE training Friday, enjoy even more valuable education and connect with the Atlanta polyamorous community through Sunday (save on registration for APW by registering for both events!)

  • CEs pending approval for GPA, SWs, LPCs, and AASECT

More details and registration available at http://arewe.relationshipequalityfoundation.org/AREWEAPW

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Coming Soon
800 Hammond Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
(404) 564-3000