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Red Hare’s Peach State 5K
Saturday March 2, 2019 08:30 AM EST
Cost: $25.00
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
From the venue:
Categories: Fitness
Red Hare’s 5K will take you through the streets of Marietta ending with a Red Hare beer garden celebration featuring live music, food and complimentary beer tasting (for those 21 & over, non-alcoholic Red Hare Root Beer soda will be available for anyone unable to drink beer). All runners will receive a custom Red Hare Classic 5K pint glass and the first hundred or so runners back to the brewery will get a chance to taste our specialty Race Casks, get ‘em while they last! Overall awards will be given to M/F winners and the top 3 in all the usual 5 year age groups 10 & under to 75+. We hope you’ll come run with us!
Red Hare’s Peach State 5K | 03/02/2019 8:30 AM