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Surrender at Fort Negress: A Repossession Performance
From the venue:
In observance of Day With(out) Art*, Spelman College associate professor of Dance Performance & Choreography, T. Lang will explore the process through which individuals fundamentally shift how they conceptualize, strategize around, and tactically address struggles related to complex inequalities that affect their everyday lives. Through movement, and process-based community research with alumnae at Spelman College and Clark Atlanta University, Surrender at Fort Negress physically unpacks the questions of physical, social, economic, and political survival in moments of crisis and extreme distress.
*On December 1, 1989, Visual AIDS organized the first Day Without Art program. Led by a committee of cultural workers (curators, writers, and art professionals), a charge was sent out for “mourning and action in response to the AIDS crisis” that would celebrate the lives and achievements of lost colleagues and friends; encourage caring for all people with AIDS; educating diverse publics about HIV infection; and finding a cure. Learn more at visualaids.org.
Surrender at Fort Negress: A Repossession Per... | 12/05/2019 3:00 PM