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“Lee’s Corps Commanders” Lecture
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Categories: Lectures
In the aftermath of the Seven Days’ Battles, Lee began shaking up the army. When Stonewall Jackson died in the aftermath of the Battle of Chancellorsville, Lee implemented a plan he had been contemplating for some time and divided the army into three corps, with James Longstreet, Ambrose Powell Hill and Richard S. Ewell as the new corps commanders.
The “Lee’s Corps Commanders” lecture, presented by Robert C. Jones, (profilic writer on several historic periods) is part of Barrington Hall’s popular Wednesday Evening Lecture series. The lecture is from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 and will held in the barn activity room of Barrington Hall. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. The suggested admission is $5.00. Advance reservations are not required but are appreciated. Barrington Hall is located at 535 Barrington Dr. in Roswell, GA 30075. Call 770-640-3855 to ask questions or reserve your seat
“Lee’s Corps Commanders” Lecture | 02/12/2020 7:00 PM