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The Progressive Feminism of Marija Jurić Zagorka’s The Witch of GriÄ
From the venue:
Dr. Lejla Ibrahimbegovic, OU Lecturer of Core Studies, will offer “’The Progressive Feminism of Marija Jurić Zagorka’s The Witch of Grič” on Thursday, March 18th at 6 PM via Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/91620908003?pwd=d0hGTnhUMDNRQlBDc21hL0hDZkZmUT09).
Marija Juric Zagorka was the first female political journalist in Southeastern Europe, as well as a celebrated author of socio-historical romance novels. This lecture explores her subversive work’s impact on the development of women’s rights in the region by focusing on her novel series The Witch of Grič. The Witch of Grič introduces Nera Ratkay, whose fight for the liberation of women wrongly accused of witchcraft reflects Zagorka’s own ideals of women’s solidarity.
The Progressive Feminism of Marija Jurić Zag... | 03/18/2021 6:00 PM