Atlanta Comic Convention
From the venue:
Categories: kid friendly
The NEXT Atlanta Comic Convention is Sunday January 15th ,2023possible "?we will , again, have FREE T-SHIRTS to all PAID admission Fans (while they last)
11am to 5 pm at the Marriott Hotel - Century Center, 2000 Century Blvd , Atlanta Ga 30345. The BEST One Day Show in the SouONE MILLION Comic Books ( Gold, Silver, Variants, CGC, Hottest Titles from 1.00 to 10,000) Toys Movie Posters , X-Files, Star Trek, Pokémon, Yu Gi Oh, Bladed Weapons ( knives and swords) ... More! There IS a charge for parking. Every PAID Attendee will receive a Limited Edition Atlanta Comic Convention T-Shirt! ( While they last) "?Come early because we WILL run out of shirts! Go to the website for full details and the coupon , to download , fill out ,and bring to the show, to receive the FREE T-SHIRT with your 5.00 fee
Atlanta Comic Convention | 01/15/2023 11:00 AM