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Firebird Finale with Nathalie Stutzmann

#3 ASO Veronica Eberle Credit Louie Thain
Louie Thain
FIREBIRD FINALE: The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra closes the 2023-24 season with music from Stravinsky’s ballet “The Firebird,” as well as German violinist Veronika Eberle performing Beethoven’s Violin Concerto.
Thursday June 13, 2024 08:00 PM EDT
Cost: $28+
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.

CRITIC’S PICK: Return to the future when the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra (ASO) conjures up the Belle Époque with performances of music by Maurice Ravel and Igor Stravinsky on Thu., Jun. 13, Sat., Jun. 15, Sun., Jun. 16. “The Beautiful Time” was a period at the turn of the 20th century when Paris was home to many luminaries, such as Stravinsky, Ravel, Pablo Picasso, Claude Debussy, Gertrude Stein, Henri Matisse, and Marcel Proust, whose influence on Western art and music remains strong in the 21st century. For the closing concert of the 2023-24 season, Maestro Nathalie Stutzmann will conduct the ASO in a performance of Stravinsky’s breakthrough ballet, The Firebird, and Maurice Ravel’s Alborada del gracioso (Morning Song of the Jester) and Menuet antique. Also on the program is the return of German violin virtuoso Veronika Eberle performing Beethoven’s bravura Violin Concerto. — Doug DeLoach
$28-135. Times vary. For more info, check the Atlanta Symphony Hall website. Atlanta Symphony Hall, 1280 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309. 404-733-4800. www.aso.org

From the venue:

Nathalie Stutzmann
Veronika Eberle, violin

Atlanta Symphony Orchestra

BEETHOVEN: Violin Concerto

RAVEL: Alborada del gracioso (Morning Song of the Jester)

RAVEL: Menuet antique

STRAVINSKY: The Firebird (1919)

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