Clark Atlanta Art Museum Fall ‘24 Exhibition Season
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About this event
Event lasts 5 hours 30 minutes
LaVaughn Belle’s The Haunting Between Us
The Haunting Between Us presents a counternarrative that haunts the Royal Danish Archive photographs from the Danish colonial period in the West Indies. She disrupts the hierarchies in the colonial images with cuts and burns transforming these construed images. As she says, “The haunting is a call to decolonization and the dismantling of systems that keep us fragmented.” Belle works in various disciplines making “invisible the unremembered through exploring the material culture of coloniality creating narratives from fragments and silences.” This exhibition is a collaboration between the Carlos Museum and CAUAM with a companion exhibition (Come Ruin orRapture) on display there. Both exhibitions are curated by Clint Fluker.
The Artist Talk for The Haunting Between Us is September 21, 2024, 4:30pm.
Dr. Cheryl Finley and Dr. Debra Willis’s Free as They Want to Be: Artists Commited to Memory
Free as They Want To Be: Artist Committed to Memory is an exhibition of contemporary art inspired by historical memory through photography, video and archival materials. The exhibit asks how have these mediums impacted the afterlives of slavery in post emancipation America and the liberating power of photography (art) to define a free-self. Its co-curators Dr. Cheryl Finley, Inaugural Director of the Atlanta University Center Art History + Curatorial Studies Collective and Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Department of Art & Visual Culture at Spelman College, and Dr. Deborah Willis, University Professor and Chair of the Department of Photography & Imaging at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. Dr. Willis is the recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship and a Guggenheim Fellowship and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
The Curator Talk for Free as They Want To Be: Artist Committed to Memory is October 1, 2024, 6:00pm.
Clark Atlanta Art Museum Fall ‘24 Exhibition ... | 09/19/2024 4:30 PM