Mastodon has transcended time, trends, band shake ups, a floundering music industry, and Grammy snubs, all the while crafting a singularly massive baroque metal roar. Emperor of Sand pulls off the Herculean task of revealing wholly new dimensions hidden within the group’s sound and songwriting dynamic — seven albums deep! For proof, look no further than “Show Yourself.” The album’s lead single offers an easy access point into a disarmingly strong batch of songs that find strength in drummer Brann Dailor stepping up his role as vocalist. The change in palette brought about one giant stomp the Atlanta metal behemoths evolution, fleshing out vivid new dimensions in Mastodon’s sound, and charging headlong into the future. (Label: Warner Bros.)
— Chad Radford

The following record stores carry local albums or can easily source them for you. When you purchase them, let them know how much you appreciate their support for local bands!

- Criminal Records (L5P)
- Decatur CD & Vinyl (Decatur)
- Fantasy Land Records (Buckhead)
- Wax’n’Facts (L5P)
- Wuxtry Records (Decatur)

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