>> Best Sports Executive Hire

Best Sports Executive Hire

Creative Loafing has been presenting Atlanta’s Best People, Places and Events since 1972. These are some of the past winners for this category:

Best Sports Executive Hire BOA Award Winner

Year » 2016
Section » Print Features » Special Issue » Best of Atlanta » 2016 » CityScape » Critics Pick
Lisa Borders
When the WNBA needed to find a new president for the 20-year-old pro-basketball league, it made sense to tap LISA BORDERS. If the WNBA was looking for a leader with a contact list long enough to help boost its profile, they found her in the former Atlanta development executive, Atlanta City Council president,more...
When the WNBA needed to find a new president for the 20-year-old pro-basketball league, it made sense to tap LISA BORDERS. If the WNBA was looking for a leader with a contact list long enough to help boost its profile, they found her in the former Atlanta development executive, Atlanta City Council president, and philanthropic leader. The Atlanta native is a die-hard superfan who not only attends nearly every Dream game, but who also helped bring the WNBA team to the city. dream.wnba.com. less...

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