Hoàng Toan Restaurant (Pho 24 Venture DBA)

Call: (770) 864-5255 or visit pho24venture.com

Hoàng Toan Restaurant DBA Pho 24 Venture is an Asian diner that offers authentic Vietnamese cuisine. From pho noodle soup to rice plates, the restaurant has a wide variety of dishes that encompass most of the foods and beverages of Vietnam.

Made from an 8-hour cooking process of beef bones with a hint of pho spice, our broth will leave you with an empty bowl and a happy tummy.

All our homemade food items are grilled along with fresh vegetables on the side, providing healthier meals and are prepared quickly and cleanly for their customers’ convenience

3865 Venture Dr
Duluth, GA 30096
(770) 864-5255

vietnamese pho noodle