Tracklist: Ryn Weaver getting better


>> Last Night on Late Night: Future Islands dedicated their new song, "The Chase," to the people of Baltimore on Letterman, Tori Kelly did "Nobody To Love" on Fallon, The Lone Bellow, "Take My Love" on Coco, Tim McGraw did "Shotgun Rider" and "Overrated" on Kimmel, Misterwives did "Imagination Infatuation" on Daly, Barney Frank did "Defying Stereotypes" and "The Supreme Court's Gay Marriage Ruling" on Meyers, Amy Schumer did "Girl, You Don't Need Makeup" on Inside Amy Schumer, and earlier in the day, Tim McGraw did "Something Like That" on Ellen.

>> "I've done like 25 shows, and you have to keep getting better if you have all these eyes on you. I can't stand here the whole time and be like, “I get shy." Lady Gaga is someone who says, “I live for the applause." I don't fully live for the applause, but I can say with each venue that you move up, the more real it gets." ~ Ryn Weaver

>> Joni Mitchell is either in a coma or not in a coma. Either way, get well, soon, Sweet Joni.

>> Full Stream Ahead: Todrick Hall, all 5 Beyonce albums in 4 minutes, Chris Stapleton, Traveller, Jack White, Live & Acoustic at the Fargo Theater, Fargo, ND, 4/26/15, Bo Rocha, Wonderland Playlist, DJ Kitty Cash, "Feel,"

>> In the years before Jerry's death, The Grateful Dead was pulling in $750,000 a month.

>> Here are 6 of Jim James' favorite album covers.

>> On the eve of the release of Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck, Interview is reprinting, er, posting, rather, their 1997 interview with Dave Grohl.


>> Nylon would like to introduce you to your new underage band/girl crush, Flo Morrissey.

>> Don't worry, Ciara is doing just fine. Taco Bell fan Kitty Purry, too.