Drivin' n' Cryin' documentary makes hometown premiere

'Scarred but Smarter (life n times of drivn n cryin)' premieres at the Plaza Theater on Friday March 22

Nobody said it would be fair
They warned me before I went out there

There's always a chance to get restarted
To a new world, new life
Scarred but smarter

It's likely that Atlanta's Drivin' n' Cryin' never imagined the opening track and title to their 1986 debut would perfectly encapsulate the band's scrappy career nearly three decades later. Still, it comes as little surprise that when director/Regular Guys radio show host Eric Von Haessler was ready to name his documentary, Scarred but Smarter: (life n times of drivin n cryin) wasn't an obvious choice. Three years in the making, and with the act experiencing a bit of a revival due to three well-received EPs released over the past 12 months (a fourth is coming soon), the film is complete and ready for its local premiere.

On the surface, it ostensibly follows the archetypal VH1-style rock-doc format, chronicling a group's highs and lows through its bumpy 28 year lifespan. That includes the usual assortment of rare clips, firsthand rock star stories (Peter Buck is featured prominently), and tales of record company and chemical abuses. Add dysfunctional inter-group relationships, frequent breakups, side projects, and nervous breakdowns that have buried so many others since even before the Beatles for a complete profile of a bunch of gifted outsiders whose current rejuvenation comes as a surprise to many.