Carnivores head West with Franz Ferdinand, unveil ‘Black Canvas’ demo

While gearing up to head out on tour, Carnivores’ latest demo finds a groove that’s thick with atmosphere


In case you didn’t get the memo, Carnivores have landed some gigs opening for Franz Ferdinand on a handful of West Coast dates in August, which will most definitely put them in front of a whole bunch of new eyes and ears. How did this come about? “Alex Kapranos asked us,” explains singer/bassist Philip Frobos. While touring through England last summer, Frobos met the singer for the art-damaged Scottish rockers that delivered such acceptable pop hits as “Take Me Out” and “Do You Want To.”

Soon, Carnivores will pile into their van and make the 45-hour drive to Vancouver where the tour kicks off, but before they go, they’re playing two shows in town: First, they’re headlining a Living Walls benefit show at 529 tonight (Tues., July 17). After that, they’re hosting a tour kick-off party at the Earl on Fri., Aug. 3 with Ava Luna and Hello Ocho.

In the meanitme, the group’s third album, Second Impulse is recorded and pretty much in the can, waiting to be released. What’s more, they recorded a handful of newer demos in June with Ava Luna in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. “Black Canvas” is one number that comes from those sessions and will appear on a tour CD that Carnivores put together for their upcoming shows with Franz Ferdinand.

In the past, Carnivores’ songs have come across a bit fidgety, on occasion, as the group reconciled their love for low-fi, psychedelia, and diminishing tropical inflections, all the while bashing away on noisy indie rock chords. But with “Black Canvas,” they’ve clearly found their groove with a sound that’s relaxed, unified in its approach, and thick with atmosphere.


Click below the jump to see the tour dates that carry the group down the West Coast.