Friends Wit’ Benefits, Thursday night at Clermont Lounge
Party promoter Fadia Kader hopes Blondie’s milkshake will bring all the Broke and Boujee boys (and girls) back to the yard.
Party promoter Fadia Kader, whom CL featured in last month’s “Make Love Not War” cover story, has taken a lot of hits from her original Broke & Boujee crowd since that monthly shindig turned teeny-bopper (18-and-up).-
But what better way to regain the favor of those B$B twenty-somethings than with T&A? Probably won’t be much bottle-poppin’ or dollar bills raining down, though.-
Friends Wit’ Benefits takes place at Atlanta’s oldest strip club, the Clermont Lounge, where Atlanta’s perennial favorite (and possibly oldest working) stripper Blondie is best known for crushing empty PBR cans betwixt her tits. (Actually, I just wrote this blog post so I could type the word “tits.” Twice.)-
Friends Wit’ Benefits featuring dance music by DJs Roots Queen and Dibia$e. $5 Ladies free before 11 p.m. Doors open at 10 p.m. Thurs., March 5. Clermont Lounge, 789 Ponce de Leon Ave. 404-874-4783.-
DOWNLOAD: the F/B Vol. 1 Mix by DJ Roots Queen