Streetalk: Who are the most annoying people at Piedmont Park?

‘Definitely the dog whisperers or the people who watch too much Cesar Millan ... A normal dog owner understands that their dog is a dog rather than a therapy patient.’

Jayne: Definitely the dog whisperers or the people who watch too much Cesar Millan and think that they are little Cesar Millans. I hate them. I own dogs. I love dogs. These people think that they understand everything about their dog. It’s very pretentious and it never works. They have no idea what they’re doing. Their dogs aren’t bad. The dogs aren’t misbehaving but I’d rather them just be a normal dog owner. A normal dog owner understands that their dog is a dog rather than a therapy patient. It’s annoying.

Evan: The parents that show up with the gang of 15 kids. Instead of them letting them romp around in the grass and have a good time, they decide to block everyone from walking, jogging, rollerblading or bicycling because you have a group of 30 kids in your way as you’re trying to ride. The parents need a watchful eye. I was riding, the kid ran out, I swerved, didn’t really come close to hitting him, and the lady yelled at me. I said, “Really? Really? You’re yelling at me? Why don’t you hold your kids hand? He’s like 3.”

Ashley: Bad ass kids. They’re horrible. They go to Grady. They walk through here, graffiti all over everything, throw garbage everywhere, they’re like monkeys. They skip school, walk around and harass you. They got this attitude. These bunch of boys try to talk to you. I’m a grown woman. They should be in school. Mr. Principal, lock it down. You better do something or I will. They’re walking around here at 11 in the morning.  You’re suppose to be in geometry. They don’t take pride in the park. The graffiti is all over the bathrooms. Go to class.