Grazing: Dinner at Noon

Midtown’s popular lunch spot eases into evening

Katie Birmingham, the owner/chef of Noon Midtown (1080 Peachtree St., 404-496-4891,, has a problem. She opened her restaurant a year ago as a breakfast and lunch spot. Now, though, she’s scrapped breakfast and added dinner Tuesday through Saturday nights.

“Do you think,” she asked me on the phone, “that our name will confuse people? Will they automatically think Noon only serves lunch?”

I confessed that I’d indeed balked when I first heard Noon was defying the implication of its name. But I told Birmingham that the restaurant has established a good rep during the last year, so I’m betting that as word gets around, people will only respond positively. Besides, even nonsensical one-word names have been popular during the last few years.

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(Photo by James Camp)