Omnivore - Atlanta to open America's first all-bacon restaurant
Bacon-alia, a restaurant concept whose time has come.
A team of Atlanta restaurateurs are planning to open a high-end restaurant that would be Americas first all-bacon establishment.
Called “Bacon-alia,” the eatery would feature a wide variety of bacon-based appetizers, entrees and deserts. "Bacon-alia is a concept whose time has come," says chef/owner James Gammon. "With Bacon mania sweeping America, it's both a beloved comfort food and the ultimate indulgence."
While Gammon expects that entrees like the Bacon-wrapped Canadian Bacon or the Bacturduckencon (a bacon-stuffed chicken in a duck in a turkey encased in bacon) will become signature dishes, he emphasizes that Bacon is not the only foodstuff on the menu. “Of course not. That would be crazy. But weve put our own spin – or ‘baconized – some old standbys. Instead of Green Salad Sprinkled with Bacon Bits, we offer Bacon Bits Sprinkled with Green Salad. The Bacon-alia BLT is a classic bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich, only we substitute thick sheets of bacon for the bread – and spread plenty of Baconaisse on top."
In general, diners should expect that everything on the menu will be either wrapped in bacon, stuffed with bacon, or both. Meals feature "Bacon Water" and will be topped off with Bacon-flavored Altoids. Although the menu includes Japanese and Korean-style bacon recipes, most of the dishes come from the United States, including the "Pig Candy" dessert, slices of bacon broiled with brown sugar.
"And just wait until you see what we've done with fatback!" says Gammon.