First Slice 8/1/17: Jeff Sessions comes to town
BELEAGUERED: Attorney General (well, for now) Jeff SessionsAttorney General Jeff Sessions will be in town today, addressing the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives annual training conference downtown. Stand by to see if he doubles down on the tough-on-crime stance he’s been touting around the country, especially after President Trump recently said law enforcement shouldn’t be so “nice” to folks they arrest.
They call it “maintenance”: The state canceled the voter registrations of more than half a million residents because they had been ghosting election officials for at least the past three years.
The signs were there: An open records request found that a DeKalb County officer who was seen on video beating a woman with a baton he said she was resisting arrest had 14 previous complaints of use of force but had only been reprimanded twice.
Another one bites the dust: Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci was fired yesterday from his role as White House communications director. After only six days, dude hadn’t even had a chance to get a proper butt imprint in his chair.
Daddy issues: According to multiple sources inside the White House, the statement that Donald Trump Jr. released, initially denying his meeting with a Russian lawyer had anything to do with the campaign, was dictated by the president himself, Donald Senior.