‘APARTOGETHER’ fuses perspectives
Lisa Shinault and Phoebe A. Maze put the pieces together in their brainchild exhibit at Galeria Regina opening on July 7
Two artists become one in “APARTOGETHER,” an exhibition of painting and sculpture at Galeria Regina, which is on display through Aug. 11. Surrounding the studio is scenic Oakhurst, the right-leg of Decatur that’s peppered with shops, cafes, and post-World War II homes. Lisa Shinault, under her artist alias LiShinault, links up with Phoebe A. Maze to merge diverse perspectives at a gallery that recently celebrated its first birthday. Maze has a keen focus on Temple imagery with regards to gods, governments, people, nature, the dead, and protection. Her last installation, “It takes a Village,” presents 23 clay mid-fired Temples with numerous glazing techniques on a wooden hillside and was featured at Cashin’s Sculpture garden. LiShinault threads together puzzle-like sheets of canvas after cutting them up first. Her latest works are variegated with glass, collage, and exploration of people and mythical animals. Whether alone or with a group, come together to see, hear, and breathe in what this duo has produced.
5-9 p.m.. Thurs., July 7. Galeria Regina, 409 Mead Road. Unit 5. www.galeriaregina.com/. 404-431-7525 (cell) or 404-881-9968 (home).