NEWSBRIEF: Class action suite alleges misconduct at Irwin County Detention Center

Detainees claim Gynecologist at the Irwin County Detention Center subjected detainees to nonconsensual and invasive procedures. 

A lawsuit was filed by detainees of the Irwin County Detention Center in Ocilla, GA. The detainees allege that Mahendra Amin, a physician in Ocilla, Ga. 

The suit says the detainess were "subjected to, or ordered to be subjected to, non-consensual, medically unindicated, and/or invasive gynecological procedures by Mahendra Amin, with the knowledge or participation of other Respondents. In many instances, the medically unindicated gynecological procedures Respondent Amin performed on Petitioners amounted to sexual assault. These procedures were performed in the presence of ...ICDC officials." 

see Washington Post article