NEWS BRIEF: Rep. Hank Johnson gives kudos to local art students
Christopher Ramos, others acknowledged
United States Congressman Hank Johnson has announced the winners of his annual art competition for high school students in Georgia's 4th congressional district, which he represents. Christopher Ramos, a freshman from Newton High School, was recognized for his piece titled “Bereavement” and will receive a $12,000 scholarship to the Savannah College of Art & Design. Runners-up were Crystal Rose, a sophomore at Heritage High School in Rockdale County, Farzana Faiza, a junior at Parkview High School in Gwinnett, and DeKalb School of the Arts sophomore Christina Kimberly Lu.
“I want to thank every student, their parents and art teachers for keeping your enthusiasm over the past two years,” Johnson said at an April 19 virtual ceremony, adding that the pandemic “has not hurt the passion that these students put into their artwork.”