THE VINYL WARHOL: A New Article?!?
Spring brings out the bands
Hey guys! Been a while. Sorry to loyalists who’ve been sitting in the dark refreshing their computer screens for the last four or so months, eagerly awaiting a new article. Sadly, for me, when things aren’t going well my willingness to write is debilitated. Even now, it kind of feels like pulling teeth. Oh, the humanity.
To be frank, I don’t feel like I have been missing too much. Q4 and Q1 are typically pretty sparse as far as events goes, but the event calendar has felt even more gaunt than usual. Fortunately, things are picking up in March. There’s a lot worth doing this month. Unfortunately, I am going out of town for the month, so I’m asking you to go on my behalf.
See you in another four months. Unless … .
One more thing, I miss writing about a lot of the events I want to cover because they are announced after my deadline. Specifically, I am not able to cover the protests calling for a ceasefire in Gaza because they are often not announced until the week of. So, I am recommending those who are interested in learning about the whereabouts of protests follow these Instagram pages: @atldemsoc, @stopcopcity, @atlradicalart, and @pslatlanta.
Tue., Mar. 5
Dorian Electra, Center Stage — The kids sure have been talking a lot about hyperpop lately, haven’t they? If you are not permanently online like myself or the legion of zoomers barking about this stuff, than you may not even be familiar with this new genre or one of its most prominent torch-bearers, Dorian Electra. Allow me to explain. Hyperpop is pop music, oftentimes played at high rpms, that is blindingly bright, showered in vocal effects, and exists in a semi-cringe, online ecosystem. See, Dorian Electra. songs like “M’Lady” and “Edgelord” poke fun at the shitty man-children of Reddit through computerized singing, while pounding you over the head with industrial beats. Elsewhere, “Career Boy” and “Man to Man” callback to shimmery 80s synth pop, but with modern takes on gender and masculinity. Dorian themselves identify as genderfluid and, through their music, create a space where internet folk, queer and not, can embrace themselves, cringe and all.
$30. Tue., Mar. 5, 6:30 p.m. Center Stage Theater, 1374 W Peachtree St NW @centerstageatl
Sat., Mar. 9
Gothlantastan (supporting Punchlove), The Inner Space, Underground Atlanta — Combining elements of post punk, drum n bass, noise pop, techno, and rage music, Gothlantastan are an electric trio whose live shows are chaotic releases of pent up aggression. I love punk music, but, admittedly, I find the music gets to be more of the same after repeated listens. Gothlantastan are not that. Every song hits you with something unexpected. Just when you think you have them figured out, BOOM, something like a spoken word segment, quickly corrects that thought.
$10 Sat., Mar. 9, 7:00p.m., The Inner Space, Underground Atlanta, 50 Upper Alabama St., Atlanta, 30303., @innerspace_atl
Tue., Mar. 12
True Blossom (supporting Tomato Flower, BabyBaby_Explores), 529 — True Blossom are Atlanta OGs at this point. They’ve been playing together since 2017, long before we knew what a Coronavirus was or how it would destroy much of the local culture we had come to know and love. Surviving a pandemic is quite a feat, and they're making up for lost time with a string of ATL shows after a short tour last year.
True Blossom’s sound fluctuates between jovial and melancholiac, with a through line of groove that gives you that face scrunch — you know the one. The mfs could be singing about a funeral and it’d sound funky as hell. Influences of synth pop, disco, and city pop — a current obsession of mine — give their songs a beach warm glow, yet there’s often a sense of approaching rain from haunting vocals of Sophie Cox
$12-$15. Tue., Mar. 12, 8:00 p.m. 529 Bar, 529 Flat Shoals Ave. S.E., Atlanta, 30316. (404) 228-6769. @529_EAV
Fri., Mar. 15
March Friday Jazz Night, High Museum of Art — Hands down, jazz nights are the best way to experience the High Museum. I love museums. But, my biggest complaint about them is that visiting a museum is too similar to going to the library. On jazz night, however, The High is alive. People are drinking and laughing and clapping. Everyone gets dressed up. The main corridor is buzzing from the energy produced by world-class musicians giving their all. And you’re free to walk through the exhibits as usual, but even that feels electrified. Somehow, Atlanta’s biggest arts institution gets even more creative.
$25. Fri., Mar. 15, 6:00 p.m. High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St. N.E. Atlanta, 30309. (404) 733-4400. @ highmuseumofart
Sat., Mar. 16
Atlanta Roller Derby, Agnes Scott College — Why would you not want to go see a roller derby bout? (I recently learned that the term “bout” is the correct one.) Two teams, smashing into each other, wearing roller-skates, skating fast. What’s not to like? I went to my first bout last year, and I saw one player, who was maybe five foot tall, go up against someone over six foot and get completely leveled. It was brutal and amazing. But, amongst the violence is an inclusive, warm community, accepting, entreating, and empowering all involved. Go Toxic Shocks!
$15. Sat. Mar. 16, 5:00 p.m., Woodruff Athletic Complex, Agnes Scott College, 225 E Dougherty St, Decatur, 30030. agnesscottatletic
Envilittle (supporting Zoe Bayani), 529 Bar — Although they’ve only been playing shows together for a short time, Atlanta five-piece Envilittle have developed the stage presence of a far more seasoned band. From the two shows I’ve been to, I see and hear an amalgamation of the best of ‘90s women-led rock and alternative. From Alanis Morissette and Hole, to Bikini Kill and The Breeders, there’s quip, fun, angst, and emotion that all pop up at different points in their set. You might not get this same impression if you listen to most of Envilittle’s recorded music, as it is more stripped-backed and mellow. The live dynamic may be influencing new songs however, as their latest track, “People With No Regrets” shares the same energy as their performances.
$15. Sat. Mar. 16, 9:00p.m., 529 Bar, 529 Bar, 529 Flat Shoals Ave. S.E., Atlanta, 30316. (404) 228-6769. @529_EAV
Tue., Mar. 19
COBRAH, Hell at The Masquerade — The girls have been getting really freaky lately. Across music, women are turning the sexism of the music industry on their heads, using sexuality to express their personal power and sexual freedom. Think Sexyy Redd and Kim Petras. Recently, I was introduced to another one of these proud sluts, COBRAH, a Swedish rapper, singer, songwriter, and true fucker. Her music is SEX personified in both subject and sound. Pounding bass and throbbing synths are the bed for her animalistic filth. Song titles titillate, punctuated in all caps like she’s screaming them at you. These include “GOOD PUSS,” “SUCK,” “GOOEY FLUID GIRLS,” “DIP N DRIP,” “BRAND NEW BITCH,” and “WET.” Try not to make a mess.
$15. Tue. Mar. 19, 9:00p.m., Hell at The Masquerade, Kenny’s Alley at Underground Atlanta. 50 Lower Alabama Street #110. Parking & Entrance at 75 MLK Jr Drive SW, Atlanta, 30303. Uber/LYFT Drop Off: 92 Pryor Street SW, Atlanta, 30303. (404) 577-8178.
Fri., Mar. 29
Otoboke Beaver, Heaven at The Masquerade — Otoboke Beaver is lightening in a bottle. Their music is fast, in-your-face punk from Kyoto, Japan. I have not a clue what they’re saying, but they are screaming it in my face. And they are MAD. The few song titles and lyrics in English hint at four women fighting against traditional gender roles. “I am not maternal” is a 2-minute long assault, entirely in Japanese, whose music video shows an animated woman throwing her baby into the ceiling, and another shaking it in a fashion most mothering guides would frown upon. Other songs have quick burst spurts of English such as “Destroy!,” “Shut up!,” and “Don’t light my fire.”
$29. Fri., Mar. 29, 7:00 p.m., Heaven at The Masquerade, Kenny’s Alley at Underground Atlanta. 50 Lower Alabama Street #110. Parking & Entrance at 75 MLK Jr Drive SW, Atlanta, 30303. Uber/LYFT Drop Off: 92 Pryor Street SW, Atlanta, 30303. (404) 577-8178. @masquerade_atl