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SULLEN: EuGene V Byrd III Solo Fine Art Exhibition

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EuGene V. Byrd
Saturday October 26, 2019 07:00 PM EDT
Cost: $0.00
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change. Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.

From the venue:


Saturday, October 26th 7-Midnight

Everyone’s so sad. Behind all the smiles, everyone is carrying the same weight. But no one is taking about it. We all have numerous social media followers. But how “connected” are we really? Are we really enjoying the moment, or just taking pictures? Seeing our friends IG stories has replaced seeing each other in real life.

So many of us are lonely, seeking love and understanding and a real connection that social networking and technology has taken away from us. How much do you really know about your friends, how much do they know about you? We are losing confidence in being ourselves. We’re afraid of being judged although we act like we don’t care. We bottle up our emotions because there is simply no one to tell. No one cares, no one listens, no ones there to simply hold us when our hearts feel heavy. No one has time.

We all have something that we are not sharing that this is killing us inside. But how can someone sit and listen to your problem when they do not have anyone to listen to theirs? We’ve lowered the value of true conversation. We all want the very same thing, yet no one is prepared to give it.

Sadness lasts longer than many other emotions because we tend to spend more time thinking about it. Ruminating, or going over our sad thoughts and feelings again and again, which can lead to depression and keep one from overcoming the sadness. We have to realize sadness is normal and can even be healthy. Experiencing mixed feelings and negative feelings is crucial to mental well-being. Apologizing for or repressing feelings actually intensify those negative feelings. We have to acknowledge our emotions without judging ourselves. Accept our emotions for what they are. Normal.

Lets talk about it.


1690 Thorne Ave SW, Atlanta

Historic Fort McPherson

  1. futuredeadartists #SULLEN #painting #EuGeneVByrdIII #ARTlanta #artists #art #fdapproved™ #supportlivingartists #curatedbyFDA #FUTUREGALLERY
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1690 Thorne Ave SW
Atlanta, GA 30310
(404) 578-6341