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Zombieland Halloween Costume Party
From the venue:
Post-apocalyptic horror film movie buffs are invited to take on the night at Tongue & Groove’s Zombieland Halloween Costume Party on Friday, October 25, 2019. Kicking the spooky festivities off at 9 p.m., guests can dance the night away to live performances by DJ Weaponz and Jay Envy in the main room and Mix Master David in the Joint Ballroom. For ages, 21 and up, General Admissions tickets are available for $20 at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/zombieland-halloween-costume-party-at-tongue-and-groove-tickets-72131927537?aff=ebapi. For tickets, table pricing and information about Tongue & Groove, please visit www.tandgonline.com. Tongue & Groove is located at 565 Main Street in Lindberg City Center, just off Piedmont Road in Buckhead. Call Tongue & Groove at 404.261.2325 and stay connected online at www.tandgonline.com, on Twitter and Instagram at @toungeandgrooveatl and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tandgonline.
Zombieland Halloween Costume Party | 10/25/2019 9:00 PM