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  3. >> Pedro The Lion

Pedro The Lion

Tuesday July 9, 2024 08:00 PM EDT
Cost: Check site

From the venue:

Pedro the Lion has always been David Bazan, but it took a long time to get back there.
In August 2016, during what he now recognizes as his lowest point, Bazan was touring the
country alone in an aging minivan and found himself in his hometown of Phoenix, AZ. In need of
a break from the road, he spent a night off at his grandparents’ house instead of driving on to
San Diego. Before leaving town the next morning, after realizing that even the most familiar
places can become unrecognizable, Bazan gave himself the gift of a quick detour past the
house he grew up in, and on the way, experienced a breakthrough - one that would lead him
both forward and back to another home he had built many years before.

More information


21a31 Terminal West Magnum
887 West Marietta St. N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30318
(404) 876-5566