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  3. >> The Fine Colombians: A Steely Dan Tribute

The Fine Colombians: A Steely Dan Tribute

Saturday June 29, 2024 08:00 PM EDT
Cost: $30
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.

From the venue:

The look and sound of Steely Dan, fronted by “Dr. K”, pianist, singer, musicologist, classical music composer and faculty member of the music department at Brevard College.It started with a date at a bar in 2017.  Get some jazz cats and assorted other musicians together to learn a bunch of Dan tunes for an one-off event.  Play a show and entertain some friends.  It was so much fun, maybe lets do another … and another … and now …

The Fine Colombians have become a must-see institution. 

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