inside:out - HOME Live Performance at L’Abbaye de Beaulieu
From the venue:
inside:out - HOME Live Performance at L’Abbaye de Beaulieu
Ginals, France
Sharing Space in the Virtual Realm
For the 2022 World premiere screening of HOME at l’Abbaye de Beaulieu in Ginals, FRANCE, a live performance was presented adjacent to the screening. A series of performance vignettes nestled within the interior of l’Abbaye, the performance brings the experience of nature inside, magnifying moments experienced in brief within the film itself. Each vignette exists as a living installation – bringing to life the essence, images, objects and human beings within the film, HOME.
inside:out features the programs and productions of Core Dance in the form of video installations. Screening on the Core Dance storefront windows on the Decatur Square, inside:out offers the public a glimpse inside the creative process and the resulting art work that is created from within Core Dance.
inside:out - HOME Live Performance at L’Abbay... | 10/13/2024 12:00 AM