Whatever Happened to Deism?
From the venue:
This Sunday at 1 p.m. the Atlanta Freethought Society will present a history of the religion of Deism, the belief that God can be found through reason rather than revelation. Deism reached its height of popularity in the 18th century when many of its followers participated in both the American and French revolutions. This presentation will cover the origins of Deism, how it evolved over the centuries, and its decline in popularity after the French revolution. AFS member Paul Broman will present the findings of his research in a way that is intended to be entertaining as well as informative.
The event will be at the Atlanta Freethought Hall, 4775 N. Church Lane, Atlanta, GA.
It will also be on Zoom at https://atlantafreethought.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fd438fb5bcce5b46900bb7794&id=dc59c65a9c&e=9b3abce0a4.
Whatever Happened to Deism? | 11/10/2024 1:00 PM