Atlanta Freedom Bands
Atlanta Freedom Bands provides a positive representation of our city’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, (LGBTQ) and ally community through music. AFB is a community-based, service-oriented organization that provides an opportunity for creative musical expression and outstanding entertainment in a welcoming, inclusive environment. We believe in the power of visibility to foster LGBTQ acceptance and strive to be a source of pride for the entire community.
AFB accomplishes its mission through a number of performing ensembles: the Atlanta Freedom Concert Band, the Atlanta Freedom Marching Band and Color Guard, and the MetroGnomes Stage Band. Each ensemble attracts musicians and performers from across the Atlanta metropolitan area, bringing together people from a wide range of backgrounds, ethnicities, orientations, ages, and identities. Although based in the LGBT community, AFB ensembles seek to connect with audiences of all types in a variety of venues from the Concert Hall to parades to neighborhood events and more. With every performance, AFB tries to build bridges of acceptance and understanding.
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