>> Best Band to Sharpen Post-Punk's Teeth and Claws

Best Band to Sharpen Post-Punk's Teeth and Claws

Creative Loafing has been presenting Atlanta’s Best People, Places and Events since 1972. These are some of the past winners for this category:

Best Band to Sharpen Post-Punk's Teeth and Claws BOA Award Winner

Year » 2014
Section » Print Features » Special Issue » Best of Atlanta » 2014 » After Dark » Critics Pick
DASHER is still a bit of a homegrown secret, but that shouldn’t last long. Dasher made its vinyl debut in May to rave reviews with the Die Slaughterhaus 7-inch “Go Rambo” b/w “Time Flys.” Shortly after, the band joined local lady punks the Coathangers on Suicide Squeeze Records’ roster. Themore...
DASHER is still a bit of a homegrown secret, but that shouldn’t last long. Dasher made its vinyl debut in May to rave reviews with the Die Slaughterhaus 7-inch “Go Rambo” b/w “Time Flys.” Shortly after, the band joined local lady punks the Coathangers on Suicide Squeeze Records’ roster. The group’s dark and driving sound is a hybrid of post-punk and hardcore. Singer, principal songwriter, and drummer Kylee Kimbrough enabled the band’s ascent when she set a permanent lineup for the group with guitarist Kelly Stroup (Manic) and bassist David Michaud (Uniform). The band adapts to any noisy, gnarly show by laying waste to everything in earshot. dasher2.bandcamp.com. less...

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