Atlanta Shambhala Center
(404) 370-9650
or visit
A Tibetan Buddhist meditation center located in Decatur.
Shape of Awake retreat with Hope Martin
Sunday March 22, 2020 09:00 AM EDT
Atlanta Shambhala Center
Cost: $450
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
Categories: Spirituality
We welcome the return of Hope Martin for the 11th year leading this unique retreat, which includes hands-on work by the instructor. The retreat runs daily from March 22-28. Participants are encouraged to attend every day, but attendance at all sessions is not required. Being...
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Shape of Awake Weekthun with Hope Martin
Sunday March 24, 2019 08:00 AM EDT
Atlanta Shambhala Center
Cost: $450 or offer what you can afford
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
Categories: Meditation, Health and Wellness
Shape of Awake Weekthun with Hope Martin
March 24th—March 30th
Price: $450 Program Price or offer what you can afford
Being upright is not just an arbitrary shape; it’s a perfect expression of meditation itself. In this week of intensive meditation p... [click here for more]
Downright/Upright with Hope Martin
Saturday March 23, 2019 09:00 AM EDT
Atlanta Shambhala Center
Cost: $85 or offer what you can afford
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
Categories: Meditation, Health and Wellness
Sat., March 23rd: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Are you uncomfortable or in pain when you meditate?
Is it hard to sit for long periods of time?
This unique one day workshop includes highly skilled hands-on work by the instructor, Hope Martin, applying the princi... [click here for more]
Human Trafficking: The Battle Continues Panel Discussion
Sunday February 17, 2019 02:00 PM EST
Atlanta Shambhala Center
Cost: Free
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
The Community Relations Committee of the Atlanta Shambhala Center in partnership with the Women’s Caucus for Art of Georgia (WCAGA) is presenting a Human Trafficking Panel Discussion with the following experts: Judge Shondeana Crews-Morris, Dekalb County State Court; Taketa Green, Criminal Investiga...
[click here for more]
Human Trafficking: The Battle Continues
Saturday January 19, 2019 07:00 PM EST
Atlanta Shambhala Center
Cost: All events are free and open to the public.
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
The Community Relations Committee of the Atlanta Shambhala Center and Women’s Caucus for Art of Georgia (WCAGA) Art and Activism present the 3rd Exhibit on Human Trafficking, an invitational exhibit featuring 20 Atlanta artists. The first WCAGA Exhibit on this specific topic was held at Two Rules Ga...
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The Tao of Living a Healthy Life with Dr. Eva Wong
Sunday December 3, 2017 09:00 AM EST
Atlanta Shambhala Center
Cost: Program Price $120. Full Weekend Package Price: $170
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
Venue: Shambhala Meditation Center of Atlanta
More people are turning to Taoism for inspiration and guidance in everyday living. Join Eva Wong for a day of Taoist health practices that includes qigong, Taoist-style quiet sitting, tea appreciation, and advice on Taoist foods for health. The program...
[click here for more]
The Art of Peace with Dr. Eva Wong
Saturday December 2, 2017 09:00 AM EST
Atlanta Shambhala Center
Cost: Program Price: $110 Full Weekend Special Price: $170
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
Venue: Shambhala Meditation Center of Atlanta
Sunzi, one of the greatest military strategist of all time, is known for his book The Art of War. He is often quoted as saying that the best way to end war is not to have one in the first place. In this program, we will explore how to use principles an...
[click here for more]
Change the Story, Change the Future with David Korten
Sunday August 6, 2017 03:00 PM EDT
Atlanta Shambhala Center
Cost: $5 Donation Requested
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.
The Shambhala Meditation Center of Atlanta is delighted to offer a talk by author, speaker, engaged citizen Dr. David Korten. Korten worked for more than 35-years in preeminent business, academic, and international development institutions before he turned away from the establishment to become a lea...
[click here for more]
1447 Church St.
Decatur, GA 30030
(404) 370-9650
Decatur, GA 30030
North Decatur
#decatur #decaturga #dekalb
Place of Worship
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Atlanta Shambhala Center, Decatur, 1447 Church St.