Atlanta's top 30 list of old-school rap songs

On Sunday, in recognition of BET Hip-Hop Awards weekend, Ryan Cameron and DJ Hershey will count down the Dirty 30" — Atlanta's top rap songs of all time — starting at noon on V-103 (WVEE-FM).

On Sunday, in recognition of BET Hip-Hop Awards weekend, Ryan Cameron and DJ Hershey will count down the "Dirty 30" - Atlanta's top rap songs of all time - starting at noon on V-103 (WVEE-FM).

So we decided to make our own list to take you back.

Back to the days of MC Shy D and DJ Toomp. Back to the days of Atlanta's first FM radio rap show "The Fresh Party" (aired every Friday night on V-103 in the mid-'80s). Back to the days of Arnell Starr's "American Rap Makers" video show on Channel 69.

The compiled list is strictly old-school, meaning nothing released after 1999 is included. Other criteria: All songs were either regional or national radio singles and/or videos that got heavy rotation.

We linked to YouTube videos or streaming mp3s where possible. Let us know what you think we missed.

30) "Jump," Kris Kross

29) "Cocaine (America Has a Problem)" Kilo

28) "Raheem the Dream," Raheem

27) "The HItman," Sammy Sam the Hitman

26) "Can't Stop No Playa," Da Organization

25) "Bankhead Bounce," Diamond feat. D-Roc

24) "Shake It," MC Shy D

23) "True Players," A-Town Players

22) "Funkdafied," Da Brat

21) "Nasty Dancer," Kilo

20) "Shorty Swing My Way," KP & Envyi

19) "Watch for the Hook," Cool Breeze feat. Dungeon Family

18) "Fly Away," Goodie MOB

17) "Show Me Love," Kilo 

16) "Soul Food," Goodie MOB

15) "People Everyday," Arrested Development

14) "Rosa Parks," OutKast

13) "Tennessee," Arrested Development

12) "Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik," OutKast

11) "They Don't Dance No Mo'," Goodie MOB

10) "Scrub Da Ground" Splack Pack

9) "Gotta Be Tough," MC Shy D

8) "Roll It Up," Success N Effect

7) "Cell Therapy," Goodie MOB

6) "Player's Ball," OutKast

5) "Who You Wit," Lil Jon and the Eastside Boys

4) "Get Up, Git Out," OutKast feat. Goodie MOB

3) "Straight From the Dec," Ghetto Mafia

2) "The Dirty South," Goodie MOB feat. Cool Breeze, Big Boi

1) "Elevators (Me & You)," OutKast


Honorable mentions: "Iesha," Another Bad Creation; ; "Baby Baby," Kilo; "Van Full of Pakistans," Y'all So Stupid, "Holiday," Witchdoctor