Underground Atlanta developers want to hear from you

What would you like to see in the heart of Downtown?

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Are you wondering what type of businesses the proposed $300 million Underground Atlanta redevelopment will feature? Curious what the architecture will look like? Concerned over whether access will be controlled in and out of the property in the heart of Downtown? 

You'll get a chance to speak with executives from WRS Real Estate, the South Carolina developer that's been negotiating with the city for two years to buy the property, on Sat., Jan. 14, at 10:30 a.m. at Underground Atlanta in the subterranean shopping mall's atrium. That's located across the street from the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau center on Upper Alabama Street. 

Kevin Rogers, a WRS executive, says he and other firm reps will show renderings of the proposed development, answer questions, and take suggestions about what the community would like to see happen on the property. They will also present a newer, more detailed plan.

"We always meet with neighbors, and it's time to do so," Rogers says. "Now that we've solved the majority of the major issues... it's a good time to get out there, show our face, and invite the public and everyone in the neighborhood at a time when folks are not in the office. Hopefully people after the meeting will take an opportunity to support the tenants in Underground." 

WRS' deal with the city was supposed to close this week but has been delayed, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Rogers says the hold-up is because of title and survey issues on the complicated deal. He says the company wants to close the deal "as soon as possible" but declined to set a date.