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First Slice 3/29/17: Java Cats CafC) debuts

Plus: Atlanta gets on the tech-startup map

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Java Cats CafC), the first of its kind in Atlanta,B openedB yesterday.

Itbs almost the end of the Georgia legislative session, and lawmakers are getting antsy. Not only did the Senate approve a measure that would allow concealed guns on public campuses, but the House revived the campus rape bill and [|approved] expanding the statebs medical marijuana law.

Technically speaking: Atlanta is the only Southern city bB and the only city east of the Mississippi River b to be recognized on Forbesb list of places flourishing in tech entrepreneurs and enterprises.

After gay marriage was legalized in 2015, LGBTQ groups expected the next census data to include questions on sexual orientation and gender identity. The U.S. Census Bureau confirmed yesterday thatbs a big bNope!bB

Brexit: Itbs really happening.