Virus 50 See our guide to COVID-19 in Atlanta

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An Atlanta guide during the Coronavirus pandemic

Just when you thought it was safe to reclaim your life ...

Covid 19
Photo credit: Courtesy of University of Lynchburg

Since March, 2020, the realities of the coronavirus pandemic have changed the world. We are now living in "koyaanisqatsi," which Philip Glass fans will know, is the Hopi Indian word for "life out of balance." Nothing is as it was, no matter how much you want it to be. 

The COVID-19 Delta Variant (B.1617.2) has made it unsafe to leave your home without being fully-vaccinated and wearing a mask to protect yourself. Even when taking such precautions, there is no guarantee that you will not get sick. While social distancing seemed like a thing of the past once people started receiving the vaccine, it may again become the order of the day. With so many people choosing not to get vaccinated, emergency departments in hospitals across the country, are now filling up with unvaccinated patients sick with the Delta variant.

In moves started before the resurgence of the coronavirus, restaurants, bars, clubs, music venues, art galleries, and museums began re-opening their doors, as you read in last month's Creative Loafing, and you will continue to read in our pages and on our website. As we went to press in late July, little did we — or anyone else — know what was to come. And, as Milton Nascimento once noted, the only thing we do know is "nothing will be as it was tomorrow." 

We hope everyone who reads Creative Loafing will play it safe, be sensible, and protect yourselves.


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