6 Cocktails To Drink Before You Die

From Our 2019 "100 Dishes" Issue

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Photo credit: CL Photo Archives
Sazerac at Leon's Full Service

The list of cocktails is part of our larger coverage of the 100 Dishes to Try Before you Die

We believe these cocktails constitute the Atlanta's best mixed drinks. If we've overlooked any, please let us know in the comments section below. We're also in search of an authentic Moscow Mule cocktail.

3rd Coast Drip at Nine Mile Station

Available at 9 Mile Station
This tantalizingly tasty treat of Treaty Oak Antique Gin, lime, mint, Campari, Yellow Chartreuse, Angostura, orange, and bubbles is a must the next time you are on the roof at Ponce City Market. Newly concocted for this season — the drink alone is worth the one-minute, 15-second elevator ride up — it will certainly put hot fun in your summertime!

Mai Tai at Trader Vic's

Available at Trader Vic's
Some say that Victor Jules Bergeron Jr., also known as Trader Vic, invented the Mai Tai. (There's some disagreement about this, but isn't there always a disagreement when cocktails are involved?) He passed away decades ago, but the barkeeps at this hotel chain still make a faithfully bracing version of his enduring concoction of two rums, orange curaçao, lime juice, and orgeat syrup. A big garnish of mint is what you'll notice first, but the rum is what will stay with you.

Martini at the Highland Tap

Available at Highland Tap
Hands down the best martini in Atlanta! Comes with a side car, too!


Available at Creative Loafing Atlanta
We are still searching. Suggestions now being accepted.

Sazerac at Leon's Full Service

Available at Leon's Full Service
This Sazerac, rightly located on Leon's "Classics" cocktail list, is made with high-strength Rittenhouse rye whiskey, Peychaud's bitters, sugar, and Herbsaint Legendre. Sipping this silky-smooth glass of chilled bitters and booze is like taking a trip to New Orleans circa 1850 — where and when the drink is said to have originated.

Shochu Yuzu Chu-Hai at Shoya Itzakaya

Available at Shoya Izakaya
While many may define shochu as a Japanese vodka, it is so much more. Usually distilled from rice — though barley and sweet potato are also used — shochu can be had straight, on the rocks, or as a chu-hai (cocktail) when mixed with sparkling fruit flavors. Go with the yuzu (Japanese citrus). Again and again.

Spiritual Sangria at Sister Louisa's Church of the Living Room and Ping-Pong Emporium

Available at Sister Louisa's Church of the Living Room & Ping Pong Emporium
Sister Louisa's spiritual sangria has been crafted with the same expertise as more “spirited” cocktails, but they won't save your soul! Certainly a driving-force of 16th-century conquistadors, this sangria will have you conquering your fears, for sure.