NEWS BRIEF: Spelman students protest limited housing options

“I’ve never been in a situation where I’m uncertain about where I’m going to stay…”

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Photo credit: CL FILE
Atlanta HBCU Spelman College

Students at Spelman College are protesting against campus housing shortages that are leaving them out in the cold. An email alert sent to students last week recommended off-site housing options and added: “All on-campus housing for the upcoming academic year has been selected. Unfortunately, there have been more students interested in living on campus than rooms available for several years.”

“I’ve never been in a situation where I’m uncertain about where I’m going to stay and dealing with it on my own, without the support of people nearby,” an unnamed freshman told CBS46. “It’s disheartening.” A Spelman spokesperson stated in response: “We are continuously working to accommodate the needs of our students and we have identified additional on-campus housing that will allow us to house all incoming first-year students and all rising sophomore students who have applied for housing, as well as those who have been placed on the waitlist.”