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The Crystal Skull Explorers: Private Sessions in Atlanta
From the venue:
The Inner Space welcomes Joshua Shapiro and Katrina Head (with their “Crystal Kids”) –SAT, 4th of August, 2018
First discovered in Mexico and Central America, The Crystal Skulls are linked with the Mesoamerica cultures.
What are the Crystal Skulls? An activated crystal skull emits various energy frequencies which can heal a person in contact with the skull, enhance one’s spiritual or creative gifts and helps to release any type of blockage that is holding a person back from their highest good.
How are the Sessions Offered? In these sessions, individuals will have the opportunity to hold one of the “Crystal Kids”. There will be a short mediation to music and then Joshua will offer an Intuitive Reading –Katrina offers a healing and works through and with the crystal skull energy and frequencies.
Respectively, these sessions are quite powerful, discussing current life situations, future potentials and inner keys to yourself.
The Crystal Skull Explorers: Private Sessions... | 08/04/2018 11:00 AM