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HRC Atlanta's Serving for Equality Tennis Social
From the venue:
The Human Rights Campaign invites you to our fourth annual tennis social, Serving for Equality! Players of all skill levels are encouraged to participate in this fun doubles event. Don't have a doubles partner? We will pair you up with other players and you can make some new friends along the way.
Not a tennis player? That's okay! Join us as a spectator. Players and spectators will enjoy food, cocktails, music, a photo booth, a silent auction and more!
For Sponsorship Opportunities or to Donate A Silent Auction Item, Please Reach Out To:
Malik Brown: mkybrown90 at gmail.com
and Zack Hasychak: zack.hasychak at hrc.org
Player: $65
Spectator: $25
Tickets are transferable, but non-refundable. Event is rain or shine. Please contact hrcprideatlanta at gmail.com with any questions.
HRC Atlanta's Serving for Equality Tennis Soc... | 07/27/2019 6:00 PM