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Bee Day
From the venue:
Celebrate pollinators through education, tastings, and live bee observation!
Honey Next Door: Brandon Tai is PCFM’s weekly beekeeper and will take you on a tour of honey crafted around the neighborhoods of Atlanta. Buy your heavenly beeswax tapers and local honey here.
UGA Extension Metro Atlanta & Center for Urban Ag: Becky returns to PCFM to chat about native bee habitats and to share seeds and ideas to creating a bee-friendly habitat.
Southeast Beescapes: Chat with Brooke about bee hive installation and maintenance in your own backyard! She’s bringing an observation hive so you can see our pollinator friends safely and up close.
Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association: Local beekeeper Bryan will offer tastings and honey recipes, as well as show off beekeeping gear. Ask about how to get involved with MABA, an all-volunteer non-profit that supports and active beekeeping community and promotes the art and science of beekeeping to the public.
U.S. Forest Service & Georgia Highlands College: Come explore an educational exhibit highlighting the importance of pollinators, what you can do to help, and the Greater Atlanta Pollinator Partnership. Meet a certified wildlife biologist and endangered species specialist!
Bee Day | 07/30/2019 4:00 PM