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Biophilic Leadership Summit

Sunday April 26, 2020 12:00 PM EDT
Cost: $25-$640
Disclaimer: All prices are current as of the posting date and are subject to change.
Please check the venue or ticket sales site for the current pricing.

From the venue:

Since its founding in 2017, The Biophilic Leadership Summit has provided an annual platform for biophilic leaders to gather with their peers to learn about and discuss the most impactful biophilic projects, principles and research.

Hosted by The Biophilic Institute, Biophilic Cities and Serenbe , this year’s Summit theme is Biophilia at Scale: Earth & Water. Presentations will focus on land use and infrastructure.

Through presentations, group discussions & workshops, leaders will discuss the best applications of biophilia to dissect the “biophilic effect” on health and wellness, sustainability and global warming and how it affects their work, policy and future developments.

Contact contact at biophilicsummit.com to ask about discounted ticketing for students, non-profits, government organizations and summit alumni.

Ticket sales end on April 4th and space is incredibly limited – register today!

More information


Guest cottage at Serenbe - courtesy the Inn at Serenbe
10950 Hutcheson Ferry Road
Chattahoochee Hills, GA 30268
(770) 463-2610