
The story of BadaBings begins with the formation of a band named Channel 6 News Team. It was the hot LaGrange, Georgia summer of 2010 when Hudson Thompson was handed a bass guitar and a small guitar amp and told to “just follow what the guitarist does.” Channel 6 News Team was an alternative rock band that played exceedingly repetitive riffs. Hudson coming from a musical background consisting of nothing but Punk Rock, eventually grew weary of Alt-Rock and left the band in mid-2011.
While Channel 6 News Team was having its run in LaGrange, 20 miles south in West Point (and subsequently Hudson’s residing city) local guitarist/vocalist veteran, Steven Jarvis, was looking for another project. He recruited a bassist and a keyboardist/trumpet player who were both well-respected seasoned veterans in the local scene, but the proper drummer was nowhere to be found. Then came, the now infamous, “craigslist search.”
Steven located a man in Valley, Alabama that went by the name “Marzy Turtle” and loved 311. He responded to this mysterious man’s Craigslist Ad and Marzy replied with, “i don’t have a car, can you come pick me up? :p” to which Steven obliged. It was a solid 20 minute drive to Marzy’s house, which was off the beaten path to say the least. Basically, he lived in a trailer next to a field in Bumfuck, Egypt. This is how Steven and Marzy met.
Once a drummer was found, Kiwi Jane was formed. It was a phenomenally put together band with a great New Wave-Ska sound. They played their one and only show in mid-2011. After that, due to the band members leaving for school, it was no more.

Marzy, not going off to school, cried for months.

Fast-forward to early 2012. Hudson and Steven had become acquainted through mutual friends and had been hanging out when one night, Steven called Hudson with the great idea of forming a band – a bar band. The idea of a bar band was hysterically pathetic to both parties, so they thought they could have fun with it. They brainstormed on “sh*tty local bar band” names, eventually coming up with… “BadaBings.”
A few weeks later they decided to change the idea by dropping the bar band gimmick and becoming a Punk band with some Ska and Reggae scattered throughout. The two quickly recorded an EP in Steven’s college dorm with Steven on guitar, Hudson on bass and using drum loops from the Internet. It was about three months with no luck on finding a fitting drummer when Steven mentioned to Hudson that Marzy Turtle would be perfect for the gig. “I’ve never vibed so hard with a drummer before in my life,” said Steven. Hudson contacted him. Steven drove back out to Valley, Alabama (AKA Bumfuck, Egypt), and picked Mr. Turtle up.
Steven, Marzy and Hudson jammed for 12 hours. With Marzy’s funk-esque drumming accenting Hudson’s thrashing bass rhythms and Steven’s wailing vocals and passionate guitar playing… BadaBings was formed.

Fueled by copious amounts of beer, popsicles, and marijuana, BadaBings’ mixture of their own style of Punk/Ska/Reggae produces nothing but the want to dance and thrash about wildly.


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