West End/Southwest ATL Community

The Good Shepherd Agro-Ecology Center is an urban farm in Atlanta's west end. Functioning as a working model of urban restoration, the once flooded out plain is being reclaimed using agricultural techniques and community volunteer work. This site is home to educational classes and cultivation of org... | more...

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this mega-campus straddling MLK Drive encompasses some of the nation's top historically black colleges and graduate schools, including Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse School of Medicine, and Morehouse and Spelman colleges. Money from the Rockef... | more...

Washington, established in 1924 as Georgia's first high school for African Americans, is located adjacent to the Atlanta University Center in the city's historic West End community. | more...

Campbelton Road Community Center has a safe, clean, versatile area that can be transformed for nearly any event. | more...

The former stomping ground of Civil Rights activist and minister Ralph Abernathy, Clark Atlanta is the oldest graduate institution to serve a predominantly African-American student body. | more...

There is an exquisite series of Hale Woodruff (founder of the art department) murals outside this intimate gallery space, which features work by important regional and national African-American artists. | more...


