You say ‘futbol,’ I say ‘soccer’

Atlanta United FC players Romario Williams, Kevin Kratz, and Chris McCann come from different countries, but all three agree, it isn’t Thanksgiving without turkey. They also tell us what they are thankful for this year.

ATLUnited Thanksgiving Graphic
Photo credit: Courtesy Atlanta United FC

Romario Williams, #9, forward, Portmore, Jamaica:

Is there any holiday similar to Thanksgiving where you come from?

In Jamaica there weren’t any major holidays celebrated at this time of year. Our big holiday is similar to Memorial Day where we celebrate our national heroes — but it’s nothing like Thanksgiving. 

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States? What’s on your table? 

It’s usually me and my family, wherever we are. We celebrate in pretty much the traditional American way — obviously with foods from back home in Jamaica. It’s a wide variety of foods — a mixture of everything. We definitely go for the turkey. It isn’t Thanksgiving to me without a good turkey. So we go for the turkey, and a little bit of everything: mashed potatoes, gravy, baked beans, white rice, brown rice, rice and beans, chicken and a lot of mac and cheese. We also have dessert and things like that. It’s a big feast.

Is there anything in particular that you are thankful for this year?

I’m always thankful for my family — we had a new addition to our family this year, my little son who is eight months old. I’m also thankful being able to play the game. I love being able to provide for my family and playing on a winning team. A winning team — that’s a big thing. Getting the opportunity to play with a great group of guys. Being on the verge of doing something really special for the club, for the city, for the fans. Those are the main things.

Kevin Kratz, #32, midfielder, Eschweiler, Germany:

Is there any holiday similar to Thanksgiving where you come from?

Yes, it is called Erntedankfest but it’s not an official holiday. It’s a day that is similar to Thanksgiving over here. 

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States? What’s on your table?

I’m going to be with friends from my neighborhood. They invited us. I’m not 100 percent sure what they will serve, but I think it’s going to be turkey and cranberries and all that kind of stuff. I’m looking forward to that, to be honest.

Is there anything in particular that you are thankful for this year?

Yes, first of all, I thankful I was healthy throughout the whole season. For my family, I’m thankful for my mom’s recovery. My mom was sick but she is coming back and fighting back. Finally, I’m happy for my kids — they’ve done well in school and are staying healthy and having fun. I have friends who were not that happy this year but I’m so lucky with my family, it makes me happy and thankful.

Chris McCann, #16, midfielder, Dublin, Ireland:

Is there any holiday similar to Thanksgiving where you come from? 

I think the closest thing in Dublin is Christmas, which is just like, you know, the equivalent of a turkey dinner. That’s as close as it gets, as far as I’m aware.

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States? What’s on your table?

I celebrated last year by flying home to be with my family. In terms of eating, I haven’t had a Thanksgiving over here yet. We finished the season last year and this will probably be my first season here to make food arrangements for Thanksgiving. I don’t know, I may have to cook a one-person meal — Thanksgiving/American style. 

Is there anything in particular that you are thankful for this year?

Having my family here with me, my wife and my boy, this year. For everything that happened to this city and the team. Playing for this team, having such good teammates in the sport, and the love in this city. I’d be even more thankful if on Saturday (the playoff game, Nov. 27), we can do something really special for the fans, family, friends, and the city! - CL-

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