Coronavirus: The Numbers — August 2020
Tallying the cost
Mark Kooyman is the CEO/Discovery Chief at EXPERIENCE Insight Group, Inc. and a well-regarded market research expert who lives in Atlanta. Kooyman has been preparing daily numbers on COVID-19 for friends and family since the oiutbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. We thank him for allowing Creative Loafing to publish his results.
Monday, August 31, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.83 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.35 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.43 percent of the U.S. population.
The 6,078,455 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down as follows as of this morning::
- Recovered — 4,740,161 individuals, or 78.0 percent or, 77.8 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,157,387 cases, or 19.0 percent or, 19.2 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 180,907 deaths, or 3.0 percent or, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 33,981 in the past 24 hours. The total number of active cases declined by a small number of 3,321 cases offset by 36,843 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 81,830,079, an increase of 724,889 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours.
The five expansion states, the five top states to post the highest counts, account for 31.6 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 3,817 new cases, 3,863 yesterday
- Texas — 2,757 new cases, 4,780 yesterday
- Florida — 2,583 new cases, 3,187 yesterday
- Georgia — 1,215 new cases, 2,386 yesterday
- Arizona — 374 new cases, 629 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 14.4 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Tennessee — 835 new cases, 1,465 yesterday
- South Carolina — 1,075 new cases, 1,298 yesterday
- North Carolina — 993 new cases, 2,221 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,346 new cases, 1,705 yesterday
- Mississippi — 647 new cases, 735 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.9 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 780 new cases, 680 yesterday
- New Jersey — 153 new cases, 236 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 199 new cases, 446 yesterday
- Michigan — 551 new cases, 839 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 561 new cases, 752 yesterday.
Four more states posted 1,000 or more cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,992 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,624 new cases
- Ohio — 1,013 new cases
- Missouri — 1,161 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 369 as of 12:01am this morning compared to the 954 deaths posted yesterday. Of the deaths,45.5 percent took place yesterday in the five expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 15,992 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.3 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered now totals 4,741,161, that is 310 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
For those tracking outbreaks in the greater Athens area, including the University of Georgia, here is the updated COVID-19 positive case counts as of 7:30 a.m. this morning as reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health:
- Athens-Clarke County, 572 positive cases today, 585 yesterday.
- Oconee County, 79 positive cases today, 78 yesterday.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.83 percent of the population in the United States. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.35 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.42 percent of the U.S. population.
The 6,044,474 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down as follows as of this morning:
- Recovered — 4,703,318 individuals or 77.8 percent, 77.5 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active Cases — 1,160,618 cases or 19.2 percent, 19.5 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 180,538 deaths or 3.0 percent, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 42,843 in the past 24 hours. The total number of active cases declined by 11,587 cases offset by 53,476 individuals surviving COVID-19. This is now the 35th straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases.
The number of tests administered here in the U.S. now totals 81,105,190, with 802,384 tests completed yesterday.
The five expansion states, the states to post the highest counts, account for 34.6 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 3,863 new cases, 5,406 yesterday
- Texas — 4,780 new cases, 4,987yesterday
- Florida — 3,187 new cases, 3,815 yesterday
- Georgia — 2,386 new cases, 2,298 yesterday
- Arizona — 629 new cases, 519 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 16.9 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hour:
- Tennessee — 1,465 new cases, 1,636 yesterday
- South Carolina — 1,298 new cases, 1,353 yesterday
- North Carolina — 2,221 new cases, 1,550 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,705 new cases, 1,162 yesterday
- Mississippi — 735 new cases, 599 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 6.4 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 680 new cases, 720 yesterday
- New Jersey — 236 new cases, 339 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 446 new cases, 460 yesterday
- Michigan — 839 new cases, 793 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 752 new cases, 866 yesterday.
Seven other states posted 1,000 or more cases in the past 24 hours. These states account for 19.7 percent of the new cases:
- Illinois — 1,880 new cases
- Ohio — 1,210 new cases
- Virginia — 1,217 new cases
- Indiana — 1,121 new cases
- Minnesota — 1,017 new cases
- Iowa — 1,081 new cases
- Oklahoma — 1,093 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 954 as of this morning, compared to the 1,105 deaths posted yesterday. Of the deaths, 49.3 percent took place yesterday in California, Florida, Texas, Arizona and Georgia.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,025 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.3 percent of the total active cases. This number continues to decline. Last Saturday, more than 16,800 “critical/serious” cases were reported.
The number of those who have recovered now totals 4,703,318, that is 305 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19, or, triple the number of individuals active with COVID-19.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
As presented each weekend, here is information specific to metro Atlanta area and the greater Athens area as made up of Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Cobb, and Clayton counties and Clarke, Oconee, Barrow, Jackson, Madison, and Oglethorpe counties, respectively.
The table below provides the number of total COVID-19 cases, active cases based on the U.S. 14-Day National Recovery time, recovered cases based on the U.S. 14-day National Recovery time and deaths as cited either directly or indirectly by local authorities. The number of recovered cases continues to increase in in all three geographic areas since the “top of the bell-curve” occurred back in late July-early August. This is particularly true in the five metro Atlanta counties, where we are now past the “case hump.”
INSERT Table 1
The next table provides those numbers above as translated into percentages. Both Atlanta and Athens track on a more positive level than the U.S. nationally.
INSERT Table 2
Here is a specific breakdown of the five core counties that make up the city of Atlanta. The number of active cases continues to decrease.
Next are the stats for the six counties of the Greater Athens area. The increased number of deaths in each of the counties in the last week are nearly all among individuals age 65+.
INSERT Table 4
Nationally, new cases grew by 49,601 in the past 24 hours. The total number of active cases declined by 11,749 cases, offset by 60,245 individuals surviving COVID-19.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals over 80 million — 80,302,806 — an increase of 830,320 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours. The next closest countries to the U.S. in the number of tests conducted are India with 40 million tests followed by Russia with 36 million and China with 34 million.
Based on trending over the past few weeks, I have made a couple of small changes in the grouping below. Georgia is now added to the “expansion states” and Tennessee is added to the “southeastern states.”
The five expansion states, the states to post the highest counts, account for 34.3 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 5,406 new cases, 5,280 yesterday
- Texas — 4,987 new cases, 4,458 yesterday
- Florida — 3,815 new cases, 3,269 yesterday
- Georgia — 2,298 new cases, 2,484 yesterday
- Arizona — 519 new cases, 186 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 12.7 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Tennessee — 1,636 new cases, 2,484 yesterday
- South Carolina — 1,353 new cases, 505 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,550 new cases, 2,045 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,162 new cases, 1,769 yesterday
- Mississippi — 599 new cases, 585 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 6.4 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 720 new cases, 901 yesterday
- New Jersey — 339 new cases, 253 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 460 new cases, 368 yesterday
- Michigan — 793 new cases, 863 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 866 new cases, 635 yesterday.
Five more states posted 1,000 or more cases in the past 24 hours. They account for 17.7 percent of the new cases:
- Illinois — 2,434 new cases
- Ohio — 1,279 new cases
- Iowa — 2,574 new cases
- Virginia — 1,013 new cases
- Missouri — 1,474 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,105 as of this morning, compared to the 1,143 deaths posted yesterday. Of the deaths, 47.9 percent of the them took place in California, Florida, Texas, Arizona and Georgia.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,184 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.3 percent of the total active cases. This number continues to decline. Last Saturday, more than 16,800 “critical/serious” cases were reported.
The number of those who have recovered now totals 4,649,842 — that is 297 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Friday, August 28, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.80 percent of the population in the United States. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.36 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.39 percent of the U.S. population.
The 5,952,030 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down as follows as of this morning:
- Recovered — 4,589,597 individuals or 77.1 percent, 76.8 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active Cases — 1,183,954 cases or 19.9 percent, 20.2 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 178,479 deaths or 3.0 percent, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 46,286 in the past 24 hours. The total number of active cases declined by 9,752 cases offset by 54,895 individuals surviving COVID-19.
The number of tests administered here in the U.S. now totals 79,472,486 — an increase of 835,098 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 29.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 5,280 new cases, 5,415 yesterday
- Texas — 4,458 new cases, 6,053 yesterday
- Florida — 3,269 new cases, 3,220 yesterday
- Arizona — 680 new cases, 186 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 15.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 2,484 new cases, 2,236 yesterday, the fourth highest state new case count
- Carolina — 505 new cases, 605 yesterday
- Carolina — 2,045 new cases, 1,175 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,769 new cases, 186 yesterday
- Mississippi — 585 new cases, 904 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 6.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 901 new cases, 676 yesterday
- New Jersey — 253 new cases, 259 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 368 new cases, 336 yesterday
- Michigan — 863 new cases, 843 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 635 new cases, 520 yesterday.
Eight other states more posted 1,000 or more cases in the past 24 hours. These eight states account for 24.8 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,707 new cases,
- Tennessee — 1,826 new cases
- Ohio — 1,226 new cases
- Virginia — 1,121 new cases
- Indiana — 1,145 new cases
- Missouri — 1,614 new cases
- Minnesota — 1,614 new cases
- Iowa — 1,566 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,143 as of this morning, compared to the 1,289 deaths posted yesterday. Of the deaths, 46.4 percent took place yesterday in the four expansion states. Another 7.2 percent of the deaths took place in Georgia.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,231 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.3 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered now totals 4,589,597 — that is 288 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
For those tracking outbreaks in the greater Athens area, including the University of Georgia, here is the updated COVID-19 positive case counts as of 7:30 a.m. this morning as reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health:
- Athens-Clarke County — 489 positive active cases today, 468 yesterday.
- Oconee County — 79 positive cases today, 73 yesterday.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of racked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.79 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.36 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.37 percent of the U.S. population.
The 5,905,744 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down as follows:
- Recovered — 4,534,702 individuals or 76.8 percent, 76.4 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,193,706 cases or 20.2, 20.6 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 177,336 deaths or 3.0 percent, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 44,637 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 10,962 cases offset by 54,310 individuals surviving COVID-19. This is now the 31st straight day of higher recovery numbers than new cases.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 78,637,388 — an increase of 705,981 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours
David Bradley, who heads up Athens-Clarke County Chamber of Commerce, sent over some very telling national numbers that he has tracked:
- Average daily new cases over a seven-day period on Aug. 5: 59, 570, on Aug. 26: 42,967 — a decrease of 27.7 percent
- Average daily critical cases over a seven-day period on Aug.5: 18,593, on Aug. 26: 16,700 — a decrease of 10.2 percent
- Average number of deaths over a seven-day period on Aug.5: 1,133, on Aug. 26, 898 — a decrease of 20.7 percent.
I encourage business leadership to embrace creativity and innovation and look back at how your business had survived through the last three to four months and take from it insight to guide your team in 2021 expansion plans. Bradley and his team in Athensshow businesses that have been very creative can survive.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 33.3 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 5,415 new cases, 5,862 yesterday
- Texas — 6,053 new cases, 6,803 yesterday
- Florida — 3,220 new cases, 2,673 yesterday
- Arizona — 186 new cases, 859 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 15.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 2,236 new cases, 2,101 yesterday
- South Carolina — 605 new cases, 937 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,175 new cases, 1,456 yesterday
- Alabama — 186 new cases, 532 yesterday
- Mississippi — 904 new cases, 801 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.9 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 676 new cases, 627 yesterday
- New Jersey — 259 new cases, 313 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 336 new cases, 398 yesterday
- Michigan — 843 new cases, 951 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 520 new cases, 557 yesterday.
Five more states have posted one thousand or more cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 2,457 new cases, 4th highest State new case count
- Tennessee — 1,936 new cases
- Ohio — 1,059 new cases
- Missouri — 1,276 new cases
- Kansas — 1,359 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,289 compared to the 1,290 deaths posted yesterday. Of the deaths, 46.6 percent took place yesterday in the four expansion states. Another 3.8 percent of the deaths took place in Georgia.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,378 as of 12:01am today. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.3 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered from COVID-19 now totals 4,534,702. Tthat is 280 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
For those tracking outbreaks in the greater Athens area, including the University of Georgia, here is the updated COVID-19 positive case counts as of 7:30 a.m. this morning as reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health:
- Athens-Clarke County — 463 positive active cases today, 423 yesterday
- Oconee County — 73 positive active cases today, 76 yesterday.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
As of12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.76 percent of the population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.37 percent of the population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.34 percent of the population.
The 5,861,107 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down as follows:
- Recovered — 4,480,392 individuals, or 76.4 percent, 76.1 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,204,668 cases, or 20.6 percent, 20.9 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 176,047 deaths, or 3.0 percent, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 40,098 in the past 24 hours. The total number of active cases declined by 14,508 cases, offset by 53,826 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 30th straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases.
More than a million Americans were tested yesterday. This increase is likely linked to the use of tests to monitor COVID-19 on college campuses and school systems where classes have re-started. The number of tests administered here in the U.S. now totals 77,931,407, an increase of 1,047,928 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 40.4 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 5,862 new cases, 6,168 yesterday
- Texas — 6,803 new cases, 4,514 yesterday
- Florida — 2,673 new cases, 2,258 yesterday
- Arizona — 859 new cases, 311 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 14.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 2,101 new cases, 2,304 yesterday, fourth highest state new case count
- South Carolina — 937 new cases, 563 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,456 new cases, 2,093 yesterday
- Alabama — 532 new cases, 1,605 yesterday
- Mississippi — 801 new cases, 511 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 7.1 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 627 new cases, 531 yesterday
- New Jersey — 313 new cases, 303 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 398 new cases, 662 yesterday
- Michigan — 951 new cases, 878 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 557 new cases, 567 yesterday.
Three more states posted 1,000 or more cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,680 new cases
- Virginia — 1,005 new cases
- Missouri — 1,060 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,290 as of 12:01 a.m. this morning, compared to the 510 deaths posted yesterday. Of the deaths, 43.6 percent took place yesterday in the four expansion states. Another 8.2 percent of the deaths took place in Georgia.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,468 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.4 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered now totals 4,480,392, that is 272 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
For those tracking outbreaks the greater Athens area, here is the updated COVID-19 positive case counts as of 7:30 a.m. this morning, as reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health:
- Athens-Clarke County — 423 positive active cases today, 417 yesterday
- Oconee County — 76 positive active cases today, 71 yesterday.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.76 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.37 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.34 percent of the U.S. population.
The 5,821,009 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down as follows:
- Recovered — 4,426,566 individuals, or 76.1 percent, 75.7 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,219,176 cases, or 20.9 percent, 21.3 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 175,267 deaths, or 3.0 percent, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
The number of new cases grew by 41,484 in the past 24 hours. The total number of active cases declined by 8,826, cases offset by 49,800 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 29th straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases!
We will have to watch to see if the trend holds true with the number of active cases continuing to decline as the number of new cases decreases — something to track over the next five to seven days, especially in Florida, Texas, California, Arizona and Georgia.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 76,883,479, an increase of 724,101 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours. I will update the percentage on a weekly basis moving forward with the Monday morning releases.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 31.9 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 6,168 new cases, 5,096 yesterday
- Texas — 4,514 new cases, 3,335 yesterday
- Florida — 2,258 new cases, 2,974 yesterday
- Arizona — 311 new cases, 208 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 17.1 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 2,304 new cases, 1,727 yesterday — third highest state new case count
- South Carolina — 563 new cases, 693 yesterday
- North Carolina — 2,093 new cases, 1,067 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,605 new cases, 528 yesterday
- Mississippi — 511 new cases, 626 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 7.1 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 531 new cases, 663 yesterday
- New Jersey — 303 new cases, 203 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 662 new cases, 182 yesterday
- Michigan — 878 new cases, 764 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 567 new cases, 519 yesterday.
Four more states posted 1,000 or more cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,612 new cases
- Indiana — 1,6670 new cases
- Missouri — 1,458 new cases
- Kansas — 1,317 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 510 as of this morning, compared to the 430 deaths posted yesterday. Of the deaths, 47.1 percent took place yesterday in the four expansion states, another 4.7 percent of the deaths took place in Georgia.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,483 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.4 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered now totals 4,426,566, that is, 263 percent MORE than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
For those tracking outbreaks the greater Athens area, here is the updated COVID-19 positive case counts as of 7:30 a.m. this morning, as reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health:
- Athens-Clarke County, 417 positive active cases today, 443 cases yesterday
- Oconee County, 71 positive active cases today, 68 cases yesterday.
I guess University of Georgia students are spending time with the text books instead of hanging out among all those contagious peers at the pubs!
Monday, August 24, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.75 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.37 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 SURVIVOR cases represents 1.32 percent of the U.S. population.
Great news in the morning headlines, “Plasma Treatment for COVID Gets FDA Clearance.” This is not a vaccine, but a combative treatment for hospitalized patients. This is a similar treatment to that used to treat patients during the 2014 Ebola outbreak. Over the course of the next 30 days, expect additional treatments to secure FDA clearance. The article also notes that there are now a dozen COVID-19 vaccines in the last phase of clinical trial testing, and, at least two or three are likely to be released for public access before the end of the year.
The 5,779,525 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down as follows as of this morning:
- Recovered — 4,376,766 individuals, or 75.7 percent, 75.4 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,228,002 cases, or 21.3 percent, 21.6 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 174,757 deaths, or 3.0 percent, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 32,718 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 13,341 cases, offset by 45,629 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 28th straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases. This is also the first time in the past 45 days in which the number of new cases totaled below 40,000.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 76,159,378, with an increase of 684,203 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours. A number of readers asked what is the seven-day average of the percentage of those being tested that are testing COVID-19 positive. Counting today and going back to last Tuesday August 18, the average is 5.9 percent. Between the prior seven-day period — Tuesday, August 11 to Monday, August 17 — the average is 6.6 percent. The percentage is dropping.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 35.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 5,096 new cases, 5,156 yesterday
- Texas — 3,335 new cases, 3,715 yesterday
- Florida — 2,974 new cases, 4,311 yesterday
- Arizona — 208 new cases, 996 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 14.2 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 1,727 new cases, 2,592 yesterday, fourth highest state new case count
- South Carolina — 693 new cases, 917 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,067 new cases, 1,157 yesterday
- Alabama — 528 new cases, 1,762 yesterday
- Mississippi — 626 new cases, 945 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 7.1 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 663 new cases, 701 yesterday
- New Jersey — 203 new cases, 270 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 182 new cases, 144 yesterday
- Michigan — 764 new cases, 1,426 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 519 new cases, 699 yesterday.
Three more states posted 1,000 or more cases in the past 24 hours…
- Illinois — 1,893 new cases
- Tennessee — 1,854 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,223 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 430 as of 12:01 a.m. this morning, compared to the 974 deaths posted yesterday. 40.4 percent of the deaths took place yesterday in the four expansion states. Another 9.3 percent of the deaths took place in Georgia.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,717 as of 12:01 a.m this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered now totals 4,376,766 — that is 256 percent MORE than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
For those tracking the greater Athens area, here is the updated COVID-19 positive case counts as of 7:30 a.m. this morning as reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health for the key counties:
- Athens-Clarke County — 443 active cases today, 449 yesterday
- Oconee County — 68 positive active cases today, 65 yesterday.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.74 percent of the population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.37 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.31 percent of the U.S. population.
The 5,746,807 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down as follows:
- Recovered — 4,331,137 individuals, or 75.4 percent, 75.0 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,241,343 cases, or 21.6 percent, 22.0 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 172,183 deaths, or 3.0 percent, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 43,829 in the past 24 hours as of this morning, the total number of active cases declined by 10,890 cases, offset by 53,845 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 27th straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 75,4765,175, an increase of 756,595 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 32.3 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 5,156 new cases, 6,539 yesterday
- Texas — 3,715 new cases, 5,753 yesterday
- Florida — 4,311 new cases, 4,684 yesterday
- Arizona — 996 new cases, 619 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 16.8 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 2,592 new cases, 2,889 yesterday, 4th highest state new case count
- South Carolina — 917 new cases, 1,058 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,157 new cases, 2,041 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,762 new cases, 321 yesterday
- Mississippi — 945 new cases, 874 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 7.4 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 701 new cases, 817 yesterday
- New Jersey — 270 new cases, 304 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 144 new cases, 488 yesterday
- Michigan — 1,426 new cases, 526 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 699 new cases, 725 yesterday.
Seven more states posted 1,000 or more cases in the past 24 hours…
- Illinois — 2,356 new cases
- Tennessee — 1,239 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,345 new cases
- Ohio — 1,267 new cases
- Virginia — 1,212 new cases
- Indiana — 1,000 new cases
- Missouri — 1,391 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 974 as of this morning, compared to the 1,170 deaths posted yesterday… 50.2 percent of the deaths took place yesterday in the four expansion states. Another 9.7 percent of the deaths took place in Georgia.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,739 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in mainstream society now totals 4,331,137 — that is 250 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
For those tracking UGA outbreaks, here is the updated COVID-19 positive case counts as of 7:30 a.m. this morning as reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health for the key counties regarding the total population.
- Athens-Clarke County — 449 positive active cases today, 442 yesterday
- Oconee County — 65 positive active cases today, 64 yesterday.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.73 percent of the population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.38 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.29 percent of the U.S. population.
As done each Saturday, a slightly different format is used to present the numbers in two major local areas. The regions highlighted include:
- The five metro counties that primarily make up the metro Atlanta area — Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Cobb, and Clayton counties
- The greater Athens, Georgia, area, including Clarke, Oconee, Barrow, Jackson, Madison, and Oglethorpe counties.
The table below provides the numerical count of totalCOVID-19 cases, the active cases based on the U.S. 14-Day national recovery time, the recovered cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time and deaths, as cited either directly or indirectly by the local authorities. The number of recovered cases has significantly increased in Atlanta since the “top of the bell-curve” occurred back in late July/early August.
The next table provides the percentage count of totalCOVID-19 cases, the active cases based on the U.S. 14-Day national recovery time, the recovered cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time, and deaths as cited either directly or indirectly by the local authorities.
Here is a specific breakdown of the stats for the five Atlanta core counties. Note the decrease in active cases this week vs. last week.
Here is a specific breakdown of the stats for the six greater Athens counties. Note the decrease in active cases this week vs. last week, especially in Athens/Clarke and Oconee Counties.
Nationally, new cases grew by 50,455 in the past 24 hours. The total number of active cases declined by 14,015 cases, offset by 63,200 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 26th straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 74,718580, an increase of 847,601 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 34.9 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 6,539 new cases, 6,055 yesterday
- Texas — 5,753 new cases, 5,184 yesterday
- Florida — 4,684 new cases, 4,555 yesterday
- Arizona — 619 new cases, 723 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 14.2 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 2,889 new cases, 2,759 yesterday — fourth highest state new case count
- South Carolina — 1,058 new cases, 909 yesterday
- North Carolina — 2,042 new cases, 1,881 yesterday
- Alabama — 321 new cases, 971 yesterday
- Mississippi — 874 new cases, 894 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.7 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 817 new cases, 679 yesterday
- New Jersey — 304 new cases, 185 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 488 new cases, 313 yesterday
- Michigan — 526 new cases, 527 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 725 new cases, 786 yesterday.
Six more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 2,293 new cases
- Tennessee — 1,669 new cases
- Ohio — 1,069 new cases
- Indiana — 1,040 new cases
- Missouri — 1,342 new cases
- Oklahoma — 1,077 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,170 as of this morning. compared to the 1,090 deaths posted yesterday. 44.2 percent of the deaths took place yesterday in the four expansion states..
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,801 as of this morning.. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in mainstream society now totals 4,277,292. That is 242 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Today would have been my father’s 92nd birthday. Mike Kooyman passed away on the Monday before Thanksgiving last year. My Dad was a very-driven businessman. He was persistent and strongly advocated what he believed in. I try to follow in his foot-steps each day!
Friday, August 21, 2020
As of today 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.71 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.39 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.28 percent of the U.S. population.
The 5,652,523 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows:
- Recovered — 4,214,092 individuals, or 74.6 percent, 74.1 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,266,248 cases, or 22.4 percent, 22.8 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 172,183 deaths, or 3.0 percent, 3.1 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 45,341 in the past 24 hours as of this morning, the total number of active cases declined by 14,179 cases, offset by 58,430 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 25th straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 73,870,979 — an increase of 752,638 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours. In the past week, a total of 5.3 million new tests have been conducted here in the U.S.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 36.4 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 6,055 new cases … 6,789 yesterday
- Texas — 5,184 new cases … 5,965 yesterday
- Florida — 4,555 new cases … 4,115 yesterday
- Arizona — 723 new cases … 637 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 16.4 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 2,759 new cases … 2,305 yesterday … fourth highest state new case count
- South Carolina — 909 new cases … 739 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,881 new cases … 1,069 yesterday
- Alabama — 971 new cases … 1,117 yesterday
- Mississippi — 894 new cases … 1,348 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 679 new cases … 764 yesterday
- New Jersey — 185 new cases … 301 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 313 new cases … 352 yesterday
- Michigan — 527 new cases … 689 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 786 new cases … 664 yesterday.
Four more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours…
- Illinois — 1,832 new cases
- Tennessee — 1,375 cases
- Ohio — 1,126
- Missouri — 1,125.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,090 as of this morning compared to the 1,263 deaths that posted yesterday… Of the deaths, 46.5 percent took place yesterday in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,817 as of this morning. The average for the past seven days is down significantly from the average of 18,758 cases the seven previous days. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered now totals 4,214,092, that is 233 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
For those tracking outbreaks at the University of Georgia in Athens, here is the updated counts of positive COVID-19 cases as of 7:30 a.m. this morning, as reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health for these key counties:
- Athens-Clarke County — 478 active cases yesterday, 462 today
- Oconee County — 69 active cases yesterday, 67 today.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.70 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.39 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.26 percent of the U.S. population.
The 5,607,182 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows:
- Recovered — 4,155,662 individuals or 74.1 percent, 73.8 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,280,427 cases or 22.8 percent, 23.2 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 171,093 deaths or 3.1 percent, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 44,957 in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 today, the total number of active cases declined by 11,454 cases offset by 55,148 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 24th straight day of higher recovery numbers than new cases.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 73,118,341, an increase of 748,173 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 38.9 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 6,789 new cases, 5,350 yesterday
- Texas — 5,965 new cases, 7,872 yesterday
- Florida — 4,115 new cases, 3,838 yesterday
- Arizona — 637 new cases, 915 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 14.6 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 2,305 new cases, 2,816 yesterday — fourth highest state new case count
- South Carolina — 739 new cases, 719 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,069 new cases, 1,903 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,117 new cases, 1,357 yesterday
- Mississippi — 1,348 new cases, 795 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 6.2 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 764 new cases, 718 yesterday
- New Jersey — 301 new cases, 330 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 352 new cases, 222 yesterday
- Michigan — 689 new cases, 653 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 664 new cases, 600 yesterday.
Two more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 2,295 new cases
- Tennessee — 2,022 cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,263, compared to the 1,358 deaths posted yesterday. Of the deaths, 55.0 percent took place in the four expansion states. The highest number of deaths are taking place in Texas and Arizona where most of the deaths are happening in nursing homes.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,875 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 4,155,662 — that is 225 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
No readers replied that they could figure out the rationale behind the news stories I questioned yesterday claiming that Georgia was leading the U.S. on the rate of new COVID-19 cases. Surprisingly, after the morning news hour was over, I did not hear nor see anything more about the claim. Maybe someone from the Atlanta Journal Constitution took a moment to read the real news on the Creative Loafing website!
And, in Athens, home of the University of Georgia, there is an uproar that the students on the UGA campus are going to drive the COVID-19 cases higher than the annual football offensive yardage numbers. Here is the updated COVID-19 positive case counts as of 7:30 a.m. this morning as reported by the Georgia Department of Public Health:
- Athens-Clarke County, 548 positive active cases this past Saturday, 478 today
- Oconee County, 85 positive active cases this past Saturday, 69 today.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.68 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.39 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivors represent 1.24 percent of the U.S. population.
The 5,562,225 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows:
- Recovered — 4,100,514 individuals, or 73.8 percent, 73.4 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,291,881 cases, or 23.2 percent, 23.6 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 169,830 deaths, or 3.0 percent, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 43,999 in the past 24 hours. The total number of active cases declined by 11,863 cases, offset by 54,504 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 23rd straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 72,370,168, an increase of 680,442 new tests conducted in the past 24 hours.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 40.4 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of this morning:
- California — 5,350 new cases, 6,925 yesterday
- Texas — 7,872 new cases, 6,446 yesterday
- Florida — 3,838 new cases, 2,678 yesterday
- Arizona — 915 new cases, 468 yesterday.
Georgia is featured in today’s top newspaper and broadcast news stories as being cited as “leading the nation on the rate of new cases.” This is supposedly based on “the seven day average ending last Friday.” To be honest, I cannot figure out what numbers are driving the claims, but then again, the media further highlights that the claim is originating out of the “White House.”
I encourage readers to track the numbers published each day in this column and see for yourself that Georgia ranked either fourth or fifth in the number of new cases each day. Today, Georgia posts the fourth highest new case count. Publishing a news story about a set of numbers dating back from five days ago is not “breaking news.”
Here is the average daily new case counts between Saturday, August 8, and Friday, August 14:
- California — 8,776 new cases
- Texas — 6,989 new cases
- Florida — 6,678 new cases
- Georgia — 3,392 new cases.
If any readers can figure out how the calculation reported in the news is being made, please let me know and I will feature you in the next release!
Also, the Georgia Department of Public Health has now elected to report “new cases in the past 14 days” in a different format that requires additional steps to see the actual count.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 17.3 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 2,816 new cases, 1,831 yesterday — fourth highest state new case count
- South Carolina — 719 new cases, 456 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,903 new cases, 425 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,357 new cases, 571 yesterday
- Mississippi — 795 new cases, 276 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.7 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 718 new cases, 520 yesterday
- New Jersey — 330 new cases, 425 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 222 new cases, 248 yesterday
- Michigan — 653 new cases, 490 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 600 new cases, 611 yesterday.
Three more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,740 new cases
- Tennessee — 1,034 cases
- Missouri — 1,185 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,358 as of this morning compared to the 589 deaths that posted yesterday. Of the deaths, 55.0 percent took place yesterday in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 16,966 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 4,100,514, that is 217 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.67 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.39 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.22 percent of the U.S. population.
Take a moment, raise your glass, and toast the survivors. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases now totals over four million, 4,046,010 as of this morning. It is unfortunate that the mainstream media fails to celebrate the four million who have fought the battle and won.
The University of Georgia is featured in the morning news with a set of new rules it is enacting today. Classes resume on Thursday, August 19, with the University moving forward with in-person classes. As of 8 a.m. this morning, Georgia Department of Public Healths posts 499 Active COVID cases in Athens-Clarke County. That number also includes any UGA students tested in Athens-Clarke County. The 499 Active COVID-19 cases represent 0.39 percent of the Athens Clarke County population.
The new set of rules at UGA includes a requirement that all UGA students install a COVID-19 Monitoring and Tracking App on their smart phones. If a student tests positive, the University is going to post the student’s name on the App. In addition, any administration member, professor or student can track exactly where the COVID-19-active student is at any time of the day. The reporters did not share how long the person’s name stays on the App.
My mother, Ruth Marie Kooyman, who passed away 18 months ago, hand stitched a saying that I have hanging in my bedroom with a quote from William Blake: “If the doors of perception were cleansed today, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up ’til he sees all things through the narrow chinks of his cavern.” Each day when I get up, I make a pledge to my mom that I will work to widen some of the chinks in the work I do.
I am sure that the University of Georgia is not the only high academic institution enacting the “Big Brother” rules going into the 2020-2021 college year.
Now, back to real life.
The 5,477,614 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows:
- Recovered — 4,046,010 individuals or 73.4 percent, 73.0 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,303,744 cases or 23.6 percent, 24.4 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 168,472 deaths or 3.0 percent, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 40,612 in the past 24 hours. The total number of active cases declined by 8,589 cases, offset by 48,612 individuals moving into the recovered column. This is the 22nd straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases.
The Wall Street Journal has a set of COVID-19 articles this morning with each one acknowledging that the COVID-19 summer outbreaks are on a decline.
What is most interesting is that the articles highlight that a sizable majority of the cases are hitting the Hispanic-Latino community and that the younger folks — initially aligned with college kids on the beach — are actually a workforce that continues to work jobs whether they are COVID-19 positive or not.
Too bad that the reporters did not report that perspective about 60-days ago when the outbreak started.
The number of tests administered here in the U.S. now totals 71,689,726 — an increase of 727,727 new tests in the past 24 hours.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 40.7 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:…
- California — 6,925 new cases, 6,520 yesterday
- Texas — 6,446 new cases, 2,841 yesterday
- Florida — 2,678 new cases, 3,779 yesterday
- Arizona — 468 new cases, 883 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 8.8 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 1,831 new cases, 1,862 yesterday — fifth highest state new case count
- South Carolina — 456 new cases, 615 yesterday
- North Carolina — 425 new cases, 927 yesterday
- Alabama — 571 new cases, 853 yesterday
- Mississippi — 276 new cases, 381 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.6 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 520 new cases, 659 yesterday
- New Jersey — 425 new cases, 407 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 248 new cases, 394 yesterday
- Michigan — 490 new cases, 477 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 611 new cases, 544 yesterday.
Four more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,773 new cases
- Tennessee — 1,036 cases
- Missouri — 1,903 new cases
- Kansas- 1,128 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 589 as of this morning, compared to the 522 deaths posted yesterday. 55.0 percent of the deaths took place yesterday in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 17,291 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 4,046,010, that is 210 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Monday, August 17, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.66 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.40 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.21 percent of the U.S. population.
The 5,477,614 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows as of this morning:
- Recovered — 3,997,398 individuals or 73.0 percent, 72.6 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,312,333 cases or 24.4 percent, 24.4 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 167,883 deaths or 3.0 percent, 3.0 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
New cases grew by 36,843 in the past 24 hours. The total number of active cases declined by 12,717 cases, offset by 49,038 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 21st straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases.
The number of tests administered here in the U.S. now totals 70,961,999 — an increase of 737,689 in the past 24 hours.
I receive a lot of questions sent in about age and racial/ethnicity classifications regarding COVID-19. Below is a chart that was published this morning in the Wall Street Journal based on a set of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tracking information. It does a great job of illustrating the age skew as well as the Hispanic-Latino skew in the percentage of all deaths.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 38.1 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- California — 6,520 new cases, 8,625 yesterday
- Texas — 2,841 new cases, 8,058 yesterday
- Florida — 3,779 new cases, 6,353 yesterday
- Arizona — 883 new cases, 933 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 16.6 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- Georgia — 1,862 new cases, 3,273 yesterday, fifth highest new case state count
- South Carolina — 615 new cases, 1,041 yesterday
- North Carolina — 927 new cases, 2,472 yesterday
- Alabama — 853 new cases, 1,271 yesterday
- Mississippi — 381 new cases, 825 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 6.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours:
- New York — 659 new cases, 791 yesterday
- New Jersey — 407 new cases, 416 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 394 new cases, 471 yesterday
- Michigan — 477 new cases, 1,058 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 544 new cases, 757 yesterday.
Five more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,562 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,181 cases
- Tennessee — 1,961 new cases, fourth highest state new case count
- Missouri — 1,078 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 522 as of this morning, compared to the 1,071 deaths that posted yesterday. 47.3 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 17,236 as of 12:01 a.m. this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 3,997,398 — that is 205 percent — or more than double the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19. It is disappointing that the mainstream media refuse to acknowledge the number of Americans who have recovered from COVID-19.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.65 percent of the U.S. population. The number of active tracked COVID-19 cases represents 0.40 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.20 percent of the U.S. population.
The 5,440,771 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows:
- Recovered — 3,948,360 individuals or 72.6 percent, 72.2 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,325,050 cases or 24.4 percent, 24.7 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 167,361 deaths or 3.0 percent, 3.1 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 53,523 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases DECLINED by 5,980 cases, offset by 58,429 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 20h straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 70,229,310, an increase of 867,301 in the past 24 hours. Close to 30 percent of U.S. adults 18+ have taken a COVID-19 test.
In addition to the 24 hour cases numbers, you will also see the number of active COVID-19 cases as of 12:01 a.m. this morning and the percentage that the active cases represent of the the populations. As cited above, nationally, active COVID-19 cases represents 0.40 percent of the U.S. population.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 44.8 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours.
- California — 8,625 new cases, 10,316 yesterday, for a total of 248,650 active cases or 0.62 percent of the population
- Texas — 8,058 new cases, 8,690 yesterday, for a total of 153,807 active cases or 0.52 percent of the population
- Florida — 6,353 new cases, 6,148 yesterday, for a total of 193,676 active cases or 0.88 percent of the population
- Arizona — 933 new cases, 927 yesterday, for a total of 65,502 active cases or 0.90 percent of the population.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 16.6 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours.
- Georgia — 3,273 new cases, 3,227 yesterday, for a total of 79,957 active cases or 0.74 percent of the population
- South Carolina — 1,041 new cases, 932 yesterday, for a total of 35,999 active cases or 0.70 percent of the population
- North Carolina — 2,472 new cases, 452 yesterday, for a total of 25,297 active cases or 0.24 percent of the population
- Alabama — 1,271 new cases, 752 yesterday, for a total of 36,577 active cases or 0.75 percent of the population
- Mississippi — 825 new cases, 944 yesterday, for a total of 19,839 active cases or 0.27 percent of the population
The five early case states account for 6.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours.
- New York — 791 new cases, 816 yesterday, for a total of 70,333 active cases or 0.36 percent of the population
- New Jersey — 416 new cases, 529 yesterday, for a total of 19,769 active cases or 0.22 percent of the population
- Massachusetts — 471 new cases, 305 yesterday, for a total of 13,887 active cases or 0.20 percent of the population
- Michigan — 1,058 new cases, 868 yesterday, for a total of 27,418 active cases or 0.27 percent of the population
- Pennsylvania — 757 new cases, 824 yesterday, for a total of 24,420 active cases or 0.19 percent of the population.
Five more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,828 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,750 cases
- Tennessee — 1,289 new cases
- Ohio — 1,117 new cases
- Indiana — 1,044 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,071 as of 12:01 a.m. today compared to 1,120 deaths that posted yesterday… 44.8 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 17,186 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.3 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 3,948,360, that is 198 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.63 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.40 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.18 percent of the U.S. population.
Three weeks ago, when daily COVID-19 cases in the U.S. averaged 70,000+ new cases a day, mainstream media reported that by today, August 15, the total number of COVID-19 direct and indirect deaths would reach 200,000. As of this morning, according to Johns Hopkins University, that number is 168,458 — and the percentage of deaths of individuals testing positive with COVID-19 continues to decline.
This morning, paging through today’s Wall Street Journal and New York Times, both newspapers ran articles reporting that the “pace rate” of COVID-19 “spreading” is declining. The articles quoted numbers similar to the ones posted here daily, but nowhere is there any acknowledgement of the number of those surviving.
In addition, the articles cite that “in severe cases of COVID-19, patients are remaining in intensive care for weeks.” Those cases are few and are reflected in the numbers reported here, as tracked by Johns Hopkins. Many of those individuals remaining in intensive care for weeks do so because of other health challenges they battle that have been intensified by COVID-19.
As with each Saturday, local COVID-19 numbers are tracked in somewhat of a different format. In addition to national numbers, the five county metro Atlanta region — including Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Cobb and Clayton counties — and the greater Athens area: Clarke, Oconee, Barrow, Jackson, Madison, and Oglethorpe counties.
The table below provides the number of total COVID-19 cases, active cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time, recovered cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time, and deaths as cited either directly or indirectly by the local authorities. All of the active case numbers are lower than reported last week.
The next table provides the percentage of total COVID-19 cases, active cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time, recovered cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time, and deaths as cited either directly or indirectly by the local authorities. Year-to-date, 75 of those COVID-19 cases in greater Athens have now recovered.
Here is a specific breakdown for the five core Atlanta counties.
Here is a specific breaks of the stats for the six greater Athens counties.
Nationally, while new cases grew by 60,600 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 11,352 cases, offset by 70,829 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into recovery. This is now the 19th straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases.
The number of COVID-19 tests administered in the U.S. now totals 69,362,009.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 43.0 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours.
- California — 10,316 new cases, 7,876 yesterday
- Texas — 8,690 new cases, 7,236 yesterday
- Florida — 6,148 new cases, 6,236 yesterday
- Arizona — 927 new cases, 1,351 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 10.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours.
- Georgia — 3,227 new cases, 2,515 yesterday
- South Carolina — 932 new cases, 935 yesterday
- North Carolina — 452 new cases, 2,657 yesterday
- Alabama — 752 new cases, 771 yesterday
- Mississippi — 944 new cases, 612 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours.
- New York — 816 new cases, 823 yesterday
- New Jersey — 529 new cases, 361 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 305 new cases, 423 yesterday
- Michigan — 868 new cases, 1,167 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 824 new cases, 987 yesterday.
Nine more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 2,296 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,298 cases
- Tennessee — 1,947 new cases
- Ohio — 1,126new cases
- Virginia — 1,216 new cases
- Indiana — 1,067 new cases
- Wisconsin — 1,021 new cases
- Nevada — 1,099 new cases
- Kansas — 1,192 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,120 compared to the 1,284 deaths posted yesterday. Of those, 58.9 of the deaths took place in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 17,217. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.3 of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 3,889,931 — that is 192 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Friday, August 14, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.601 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.41 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.16 percent of the U.S. population.
Reported in the Wall Street Journal this morning is news that there are more than 500 clinical trials underway world-wide in the race to find an effective treatment for COVID-19.
The public at-large believes that a “vaccine” is the only way to control COVID-19. Yet there are other treatments being investigated as well, with one approach using “message signaling cells,” or MSCs, something found in the blood vessels in our bodies. MSCs sport what the article calls a “one-two-three punch” in that these cells eliminate the COVID-19 virus, but also calm over-reaction of the immune system and repair damaged cells.
Mount Sinai Hospital in New York has used MSCs to treat patients on ventilators, with more than 80 percent of individuals who otherwise would have died now recovered. The expansion of MSC treatments to other hospitals is expected before the end of September.
The statistics for today… and by-the-way, the recovered cases will be posted first moving forward since recovered cases as a percentage are nearly thee times the number of active cases!
The 5,326,651 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows as of this morning:
- Recovered cases — 3,819,102 individuals or 71.7 percent, 71.1 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Active cases — 1,342,382 cases or 25.2 percent, 25.8 percent yesterday
- Deaths — 165,170 deaths or 3.1 percent, 3.1 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 55,364 in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 today, the total number of active cases DECLINED by 18,867 cases offset by a daily record-setting high of 72,950 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 18th straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases!
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 68,524,602, with close to a million tests, 966,974, completed in the last 24 hours. Ignore the news media reporting that the number of tests conducted in the U.S. is declining. The stories are not true. In the last seven days, 5.4 million COVID-19 tests were completed in the U.S.
The four expansion states, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 41.0 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, today they index at 137 — or 37 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 7,876 new cases, 9,090 yesterday
- Texas — 7,236 new cases, 6,305 yesterday
- Florida — 6,236 new cases, 8,109 yesterday
- Arizona — 1,351 new cases, 706 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 13.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 142 — or 42 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- Georgia — 2,515 new cases, 3,565 yesterday
- South Carolina — 935 new cases, 844 yesterday
- North Carolina — 2,657 new cases, 249 yesterday — 4th highest state count today, but there was an apparently delay in the reporting yesterday — see yesterday’s count
- Alabama — 771 new cases, 935 yesterday
- Mississippi — 612 new cases, 1,081 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 6.8 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 39, or 61 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 823 new cases, 773 yesterday
- New Jersey — 361 new cases, 372 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 423 new cases, 293 yesterday
- Michigan — 1,167 new cases, 476 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 987 new cases, 902 yesterday.
Seven more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,834 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,135 cases
- Tennessee — 2,118 new cases
- Ohio — 1,191 new cases
- Virginia — 1,101 new cases
- Indiana — 1,043 new cases
- Missouri — 1,491 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,284 . compared to the 1,386 deaths that posted yesterday. 44.5 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 17,239. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.3 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 3,819,102 — that is 185 percent MORE than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.60 percent of the population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.41 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.13 percent of the U.S. population.
The 5,271,287 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date break down in terms of status as follows:
- Active cases — 1,361,249 cases or 25.8 percent, 26.4 percent yesterday
- recovered cases — 3,745,152 individuals or 70.5 percent, 70.1 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- deaths — 163,886 deaths or 3.1 percent, 3.1 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
When you hear about the 5.2 Million COVID-19 cases being bounced around by the mainstream media, as of today, divide that number by four and that’s close to the number of actual active cases.
While new cases grew by 54,345 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 13,562 cases, offset by the 66,521 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 17th straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases!
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 67,555,728, with 614,133 tests completed in the last 24 hours.
Dividing all the tests conducted to-date by the number of positive COVID-19 cases identified, for every 100 tests administered, 8 individuals have tested positive. On June 1, approximately 75 days ago, for every 100 tests administered, 17 individuals tested positive for COVID-19. That is a dramatic drop. However, back in June, an individual essentially had to be experiencing symptoms to be tested whereas today, any one that wants to be tested can be tested. That said, the incidence level of COVID-19 has declined among those being tested.
Also, FYI, on June 1, the number of tests completed in the U.S. totaled just over 17 million. Between then and today, 50 million more tests have been conducted.
The four expansion states,, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 44.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, today they index at 149, or 49 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 9,090 new cases, 11,945 yesterday
- Texas — 6,305 new cases, 7,976 yesterday
- Florida — 8,109 new cases, 5,831 yesterday
- Arizona — 706 new cases, 1,214 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 12.3 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 129 — or 29 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
Georgia — 3,565 new cases, 3,536 yesterday — fourth highest state count today
- South Carolina — 844 new cases, 972 yesterday
- North Carolina — 249 new cases, 1,430 yesterday
- Alabama — 935 new cases, 831 yesterday
- Mississippi — 1,081 new cases, 644 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.2 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 30 — or 70 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 773 new cases, 711 yesterday
- New Jersey — 372 new cases, 360 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 293 new cases, 392 yesterday
- Michigan — 476 new cases, 907 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 902 new cases, 792 yesterday.
Five more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,645 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,179 cases
- Tennessee — 1,478 new cases
- Missouri — 1,472 new cases
- Kentucky — 1,152 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,386 compared to the 1,504 deaths posted yesterday. 44.5 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 17,320 as of 12:01am today. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the main stream of society now totals 3,746,152 — that is 175 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.58 percent of the population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.41 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.11 percent of the U.S. population.
The 5,216,942 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows:
- Active cases — 1,374,811 cases or 26.4 percent, 26.8 percent yesterday
- Recovered cases — 3,679,631 individuals or 70.5 percent, 70.1 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Death — 162,500 deaths or 3.1 percent, 3.1 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 54,519 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 11,014 cases offset by the 64,029 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the 16th straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases!
The number of tests administered here in the U.S. now totals 66,944,595, with 765,980 tests completed in the last 24 hours.
The four expansion states,, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 49.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, today they index at 166 — or 66 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 11,945 new cases, 10,752 yesterday
- Texas — 7,976 new cases, 6,401 yesterday
- Florida — 5,831 new cases, 4,155 yesterday
- Arizona — 1,214 new cases, 600 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 13.6 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 143 — or 43 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
Georgia — 3,536 new cases, 2,429 yesterday, the fourth highest state count today
- South Carolina — 972 new cases, 724 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,430 new cases, 1,164 yesterday
- Alabama — 831 new cases, 1,686 yesterday
- Mississippi — 644 new cases, 476 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.8 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 33 — or 67 percent Below Proportionate “Average” in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 711 new cases, 593 yesterday
- New Jersey — 360 new cases, 472 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 392 new cases, 275 yesterday
- Michigan — 907 new cases, 580 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 792 new cases, 957 yesterday.
Five more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,549 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,164 cases
- Tennessee — 1,001 new cases
- Ohio — 1,093 new cases
- Missouri — 1,031 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,504 compared to the 569 deaths that posted yesterday, 49.5 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states. Nursing homes in Texas and Florida are contributing a sizable portion of the deaths.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 17,339. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered now totals 3,379,631, that is 168 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.56 percent of the population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.41 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.09 percent of the U.S. population.
Yesterday, a person I greatly admire sent some rich observations based on the numbers published in this column each day. David Bradley serves as the President/CEO of the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce.
David observed in yesterday’s numbers:
- The least active cases since July 17th
- The least new cases since July 6th
- Fourteen straight days of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases.
He is smack on target with the observations. Athens is a haven of creativity and innovation and it is that asset — creativity and innovation — that will drive business growth post-COVID!
Here are today’s numbers:
The 5,162,423 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows as of 12:01 a.m. ET:
- Active cases — 1,385,825 cases or 26.8 percent, 27.3 percent yesterday
- Recovered cases — 3,615,602 individuals or 70.1 percent, 69.6 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Deaths — 160,996 deaths or 3.1 percent, 3.1 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 49,800 in the past 24 hours as of this morning, the total number of active cases declined by 12,340 cases, offset by the 61,671 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column. This is now the fifteenth straight day of higher recovery numbers vs. new cases!
The number of tests administered here in the U.S. now totals 66,178,615, with 745,364 tests completed in the last 24 hours.
The four expansion states,, the four top states to post the highest counts, account for 44.0 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, today they index at 147, or 47 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- California — 10,752 new cases, 6,836 yesterday
- Texas — 6,401 new cases, 5,803 yesterday
- Florida — 4,155 new cases, 6,229 yesterday
- Arizona — 600 new cases, 816 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 13.0 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 137, or 37 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- Georgia — 2,429 new cases, 3,169 yesterday — the fourth highest state count again today
- South Carolina — 724 new cases, 975 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,164 new cases, 1,166 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,686 new cases, 1,161 yesterday
- Mississippi — 476 new cases, 527 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.8 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 33, or 67 percent aelow proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 593 new cases, 604 yesterday
- New Jersey — 472 new cases, 192 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 275 new cases, 329 yesterday
- Michigan — 580 new cases, 535 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 957 new cases, 646 yesterday.
Three more states posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,319 new cases
- Tennessee — 1,202 new cases
- Missouri — 1,682 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 569, compared to the 534 deaths posted yesterday. 52.7 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 17,589.. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.3 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 3,615,602, that is 161 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Support creative and innovative businesses!
Monday, August 10, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.55 percent of the population of the United States. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.42 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.08 percent of the U.S. population.
Today, the mainstream media could be Chicken Little with the cry, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling!” MSM is obsessed with announcing that the U.S. COVID cases tops over five million individuals. Too bad they will not acknowledge the rest of the story — that of those five million individuals, nearly 70 percent — 3.5 million —have recovered! The number of active cases is now below 1.4 million and the percentage of individuals passing has dropped to 3.2 percent.
The 5,112,623 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. this morning breaks down in terms of status as follows:
- Active cases — 1,398,165 cases or 27.3 percent, 27.8 percent yesterday
- Recovered cases — 3,554,031 individuals or 69.6 percent, 69.1 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Deaths — 160,427 deaths or 3.1 percent, 3.1 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 47,849 in the past 24 hours as of this morning, the total number of active cases declined by 8,885 cases offset by the 56,200 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 65,433,251, with 733,704 tests completed in the last 24 hours.
Over the weekend I posted a “thank you” to all the healthcare workers treating COVID-19 patients. This week, let’s take a moment and thank not only all of the healthcare workers, but the other personnel, whether directing traffic, keeping people in line, or running the testing centers. Think, too, about the individuals in the labs processing the tests and those clerical workers in the offices making sure you are notified of your test results!
The four expansion states, or, the four top states to recently post the highest counts, account for 41.1 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, today they index at 137, or 37 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 6,836 new cases, 7,031 yesterday
- Texas — 5,803 new cases, 6,892 yesterday
- Florida — 6,229 new cases, 8,502 yesterday
- Arizona — 816 new cases, 1,054 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 14.6 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 154, or 54 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- Georgia — 3,169 new cases, 4,423 yesterday, fourth highest state count today
- South Carolina — 975 new cases, 1,241 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,166 new cases, 1,699 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,161 new cases, 1,800 yesterday
- Mississippi — 527 new cases, 1,210 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 4.8 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 27, or 73 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 604 new cases, 837 yesterday
- New Jersey — 192 new cases, 256 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 329 new cases, 420 yesterday
- Michigan — 535 new cases, 721 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 646 new cases, 588 yesterday.
There are four more states that have posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,382 new cases
- Louisiana — 2,653 new cases
- Tennessee — 2,127 new cases
- Indiana — 1,041 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 534 as of 12:01 a.m. this morning compared to the 976 deaths that posted yesterday. 48.7 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states. FYI, in both Wall Street Journal and New York Times, there are stories about significant increases in nursing home deaths in Texas and Florida.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 17,812 as of 12:01 a.m. today. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.3 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 3,554,031, that is, 154 percent more than the number of individuals currently active with COVID-19.
Just as we celebrate and acknowledge cancer survivors, the next time you are out in public, take a moment and share, “Let’s celebrate the 3.5 million+ individuals who are now COVID-19 virus-free survivors.”
Was Chicken Little ever known to be right?
Sunday, August 9, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.52 percent of the population of the United States. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.42 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.06 percent of the U.S. population.
This next week will be interesting!
Active cases will likely dip below 1.3 million. Recovered cases will cross over 3.5 million. And the projected number of COVID-19 deaths issued by numerous sources and quoted throughout the mainstream media predicted to top over 200,000 by August 15 will not take place.
In terms of percentages, the number of COVID-19 recoveries post over 70 percent and the number of active cases will continue to decline. It is very possible that that the percentage of deaths among the cases tracked will decline nationally below three percent.
The number of tests this week will top over 65 million — that translates to one out-of-every four adults 18+ in the U.S. will have been tested.
Here are the specific stats for today:
The 5,064,774 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows as of 12:01 a.m. this morning:
- Active cases — 1,407,050 cases, or 27.8 percent, 28.3 percent yesterday
- Recovered cases — 3,497,831 individuals, or 69.1 percent, 68.5 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Deaths — 159,893 deaths, or 3.1 percent, 3.2 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 54,139 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 14,200 cases offset by the 67,413 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into recovery
The number of tests administered here in the U.S. now totals 64,610,547, with 711,189 tests completed in the last 24 hours.
The four expansion states, or, the four top states to recently post the highest counts, account for 43.3 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, today they index at 145, or 45 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 7,031 new cases, 7,904 yesterday
- Texas — 6,892 new cases, 7,675 yesterday
- Florida — 8,502 new cases, 7,686 yesterday
- Arizona — 1,054 new cases, 1,406 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 19.1 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 201, or 101 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- Georgia — 4,423 new cases, 4,109 yesterday; fourth highest state count today
- South Carolina — 1,241 new cases, 1,422 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,699 new cases, 1,778 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,800 new cases, 1,709 yesterday
- Mississippi — 1,210 new cases, 1,036 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.2 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 29, or 71 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 837 new cases, 823 yesterday
- New Jersey — 256 new cases, 320 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 420 new cases, 417 yesterday
- Michigan — 721 new cases, 814 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 588 new cases, 784 yesterday.
There are seven more states that have posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 2,190 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,756 new cases
- Tennessee — 1,803 new cases
- Ohio — 1,289 new cases
- Virginia — 1,307 new cases
- Indiana — 1,033 new cases
- Wisconsin — 1,165 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 976 compared to 1,290 deaths that posted yesterday. 52.0 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 18,020. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 3,497,831, that is 149 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.42 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.43 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.04 percent of the U.S. population.
As done each Saturday, a slightly different format is used to expand on the local numbers. In addition to national numbers, the region’s area comprised of the following is highlighted:
The primary five counties of the Greater Atlanta area — Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Cobb and Clayton counties — and the six counties of the Greater Athens area — Clarke, Oconee, Barrow, Jackson, Madison, and Oglethorpe counties.
Below is a table that provides the numerical count of total COVID-19 cases: active cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time, recovered cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time, and deaths either directly or indirectly attributed to COVID-19, according to local authorities.
The next table provides the percentage count of total COVID-19 cases, active cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time, recovered cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time, and deaths either directly or indirectly attributed to COVID-19, according to local authorities. More than 70 percent of year-to-date COVID-19 cases in Greater Athens have now recovered.
Here is a specific breakdown of the stats for the Atlanta five core counties.
Here is a specific breaks of the stats for the six Greater Athens counties.
Nationally, while new cases grew by 63,246 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 15,984 cases, offset by the 77,940 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into recovery.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 63,899,358, with 756,238 tests completed in the last 24 hours. In the last week, the number of tests completed in the U.S. increased by 5,619,258.
Please take a moment today and in the coming week to let the healthcare workers you know — and the healthcare workers you see in public — that they are championed as heroes! And they are!
The four expansion states, or, the four top states to recently post the highest counts, account for 39.0 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, today they index at 130, or 30 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 7,904 new cases, 8,505 yesterday
- Texas — 7,675 new cases, 7,330 yesterday
- Florida — 7,686 new cases, 7,650 yesterday
- Arizona — 1,406 new cases, 1,444 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 15.9 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 167, or 67 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- Georgia — 4,109 new cases, 3,182 yesterday — fourth highest state count today
- South Carolina — 1,422 new cases, 1,325 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,778 new cases, 1,782 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,709 new cases, 1,938 yesterday
- Mississippi — 1,036 new cases, 956 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.0 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 30, or 70 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 823 new cases, 789 yesterday
- New Jersey — 320 new cases, 377 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 417 new cases, 231 yesterday
- Michigan — 814 new cases, 763 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 784 new cases, 802 yesterday.
There are seven more states that have posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 2,106 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,500 new cases
- Tennessee — 2,432 new cases
- Ohio — 1,204 new cases
- Virginia — 2,015 new cases
- Indiana — 1,239 new cases
- Arkansas — 1,011 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,290 compared to 1,203 deaths that posted yesterday. 52.3 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 18,202. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 3,430,418, that is 141 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Friday, August 7, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.50 percent of the U.S. population.The number of active COVID-19 cases represents 0.43 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.04 percent of the U.S. population.
The 4,947,339 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows:
- Active cases — 1,437,234 cases or 29.1 percent, 29.6 percent yesterday, this is the 10th day in a row of a continued decline of active cases!
- Recovered cases — 3,352,478 individuals or 67.8 percent, 67.2 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Deaths — 157,627 deaths or 3.1 percent, 3.2 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 58,611 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 11,449 cases offset, by the 68,857 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 63,143,120, with 761,825 tests completed in the last 24 hours.
The mainstream media is struggling to find news COVID-19 headline stories. Appearing in the Wall Street Journal this morning is a story titled, “Questions Over Testing Cloud Improving Case Count.”I thought the story was about reporting issues that happened earlier this week in a couple of districts in California with public testing site locations, but I was wrong. The story asserts that the declining COVID case counts are because the number of individuals being tested overall “could” be declining.
The average number of tests being completed in the U.S. now averages 750,000+. Last Saturday more than 1 million tests were completed in 24 hours.
The four expansion states, or, the four top states to recently post the highest counts, account for 42.5 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. today. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, today they index at 142, or 42 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 8,505 new cases, 5,559 yesterday
- Texas — 7,330 new cases …9,625 yesterday
- Florida — 7,650 new cases, 5,409 yesterday
- Arizona — 1,444 new cases, 1,698 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 15.7 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 165, or 65 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- Georgia — 3,182 new cases, 3,765 yesterday; fourth highest state count today
- South Carolina — 1,325 new cases, 1,282 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,782 new cases, 1,144 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,938 new cases, 952 yesterday
- Mississippi — 956 new cases, 1,245 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.1 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 29, or 61 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 789 new cases, 688 yesterday
- New Jersey — 377 new cases, 513 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 231 new cases, 440 yesterday
- Michigan — 763 new cases, 718 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 802 new cases, 727 yesterday.
There are six more states that have posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,953 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,303 new cases
- Tennessee — 2,252 new cases
- Ohio — 1,165 new cases
- Indiana — 1,040 new cases
- Missouri — 1,179 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,203 compared to the 1,311 deaths that posted yesterday. 42.5 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states — California, Florida, Texas and Arizona.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 18,296 as of this morning.The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 3,352,478, that is, 133 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Yesterday, I spoke with a regular reader of this column. He specifically asked how COVID-19 deaths stack up against deaths from ongoing threats like cancer, cardiac arrest, and stroke in the United States. He noted that you rarely hear the other conditions mentioned on the news and in public dialogue.
He asks a very good question.
As of this morning the number of deaths directly and indirectly related to COVID-19 totals 156,424. This daily tally has been tracked and reported in the U.S. since January, 2020.
Keep in mind, this also includes “indirectly-related” deaths. A share of deaths triggered by cardiac failure and/or strokes are being counted in the 156,424 number because the individual might also have been COVID-19 active.
Between January 1st and July 31st, here in the U.S.:
- 377,416 individuals have died from heart disease
- 354,013 individuals have died from cancer
- 81,670 individuals have died from a stroke
- 41,405 individuals have died from a drug overdose
- 28,764 individuals have died from an auto accident.
These counts come from 2020 numbers released by CDC, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
As of this morning, the number of TOTAL tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.48 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.43 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 1.04 percent of the U.S. population. The number of tracked flu cases in 2019-2020 represented 16.92 percent of the U.S. population.
The 4,888,728 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows as of 12:01 a.m. this morning:
- Active cases — 1,448,683 cases or 29.6 percent, 30.3 percent yesterday
- Recovered cases — 3,283,621 individuals or 67.2 percent, 66.5 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Deaths — 156,424 deaths or 3.2 percent, 3.2 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 55,148 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 17,697 cases, offset by the 71,534 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 62,381,295, with 759,379 tests completed in the last 24 hours.
The four expansion states, or, the four top states to recently post the highest counts, account for 40.4 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. this morning… these four States account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, this morning they index at 135 — or 35 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 5,559 new cases, 5,156 yesterday
- Texas — 9,625 new cases, 11,210 yesterday
- Florida — 5,409 new cases, 5,446 yesterday
- Arizona — 1,698 new cases, 1,008 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 15.2 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. this morning… these five States account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 160 — or 60 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- Georgia — 3,765 new cases, 2,413 yesterday — 4th highest state count this morning
- South Carolina — 1,282 new cases, 1,239 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,144 new cases, 2,117 yesterday
- Alabama — 952 new cases, 1,041 yesterday
- Mississippi — 1,245 new cases, 1,034 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.6 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. this morning… these five States account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 32 — or 68 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 688 new cases, 850 yesterday
- New Jersey — 513 new cases, 179 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 440 new cases, 546 yesterday
- Michigan — 718 new cases, 801 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 727 new cases, 828 yesterday.
There are six more states that have posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours…
- Illinois — 1,759 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,482 new cases
- Tennessee — 1,657 new cases
- Ohio — 1,189 new cases
- Missouri — 1,111 new cases
- Oklahoma — 1,101 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours totaled 1,311 as of 12:01 a.m. this morning compared to the 1,362 deaths that posted yesterday. 53.5 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states There are a number of sources reporting that the death counts have risen largely as a result of COVID-19 affecting nursing homes in Florida, South Texas and parts of California.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 18,424 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 3,283,621, that is 127 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19. For every person that has died of COVID-19 to-date, 21 individuals have survived.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.46 percent of the population in the United States. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.44 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 0.98 percent of the U.S. population.
The 4,833,580 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows:
- Active cases — 1,466,380 cases or 30.3 percent, 31.0 percent yesterday
- Recovered cases — 3,212,087 individuals or 66.5 percent, 65.8 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Deaths — 155,113 deaths or 3.2 percent, 3.3 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 54,504 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 13,737 cases, offset by the 66,879 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into the recovered column.
The number of tests administered here in the U.S. now totals 61,621,916 — 682,194 tests completed in the last 24 hours.
The four expansion states, or, the four top states to recently post the highest counts, account for 41.9 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. this morning. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, this morning they index at 140, or 40 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 5,156 new cases, 6,344 yesterday
- Texas — 11,210 new cases, 6,997 yesterday
- Florida — 5,446 new cases, 4,752 yesterday
- Arizona — 1,008 new cases, 1,030 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 14.6 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. this morning. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 154, or 54 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- Georgia — 2,413 new cases, 2,258 yesterday, the fourth highest state count this morning
- South Carolina — 1,239 new cases, 1,163 yesterday
- North Carolina — 2,117 new cases, 981 yesterday — fifth highest state count this morning
- Alabama — 1,041 new cases, 1,217 yesterday
- Mississippi — 1,034 new cases, 572 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.9 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. this morning. These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 34, or 66 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 850 new cases, 695 yesterday
- New Jersey — 179 new cases, 418 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 546 new cases, 199 yesterday
- Michigan — 801 new cases, 613 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 828 new cases, 899 yesterday.
There is a set of six more states that have posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,471 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,873 new cases
- Tennessee — 1,806 new cases
- Virginia — 1,145 new cases
- Missouri — 1,352 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 totaled 1,362 as of 12:01 a.m. this morning compared to 568 deaths that posted yesterday. 52.3 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 18,407 as of 12:01 a.m. this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now totals 3,212,087, that is 119 percent MORE than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
As of 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.45 percent of the population in the United States. The number of active tracked COVID-19 cases represents 0.45 percent of the U.S. population. The number of survivors of COVID-19 represents 0.95 percent of the U.S. population.
The 4,779,076 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date now breaks down in terms of status as follows:
- Active cases — 1,494,443 cases or 31.6 percent, 31.6 percent yesterday
- Fully-recovered — 3,082,828 individuals or 65.2 percent, 65.8 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Deaths — 153,183 deaths or 3.3 percent, 3.3 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 48,622 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 14,326 cases offset by the 62,380 individuals who survived COVID-19 and have been moved into recovery.
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals just shy of 61 million, with more than a million — 1,004,214 — completed in the past 24 hours.
The four expansion states, or, the four top states to recently post the highest counts, account for 39.3 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, today they index at 131 or 31 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 6,344 new cases, 9,397 yesterday
- Texas — 6,997 new cases, 4,618 yesterday
- Florida — 4,752 new cases, 7,104 yesterday
- Arizona — 1,030 new cases, 1,465 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 12.7 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 134 or 34 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- Georgia — 2,258 new cases, 3,165 yesterday, fourthth highest state count today
- South Carolina — 1,163 new cases, 1,189 yesterday
- North Carolina — 981 new cases, 1,673 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,217 new cases, 2,095 yesterday
- Mississippi — 572 new cases, 672 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.8 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours, they account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 33 or 67 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 695 new cases, 467 yesterday
- New Jersey — 418 new cases, 245 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 199 new cases, 418 yesterday
- Michigan — 613 new cases, 429 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 899 new cases, 570 yesterday.
There are six more states that have posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,298 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,099 new cases
- Tennessee — 1,009 new cases
- Virginia — 1,324 new cases
- Washington — 1,085 new cases
- Missouri — 1,593 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 totaled 568. compared to 467 deaths that posted yesterday. 54.6 percent of the deaths took place in California, Florida, Texas and Arizona.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 18,725.. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.3 percent of the total ACTIVE cases.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the main stream of society now totals 3,145,208 — that is 112 percent MORE than the number of individuals that are currently ACTIVE with COVID-19.
The number of individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 will likely reach a new record number tomorrow with two-thirds of all COVID-19 patients tracked having battled COVID-19 and survived.
By the way, in this morning’s Wall Street Journal, a UCLA physician who has been very involved working with COVID-19 wrote an editorial. He concludes with this message, “And what should be done about the mass media and public derision that is haunting leaders and vexing citizens? Everyone needs to simply stop participating. We need to get off this treadmill.”
Monday, August 3, 2020
To anchor readers again, the numbers reported in this column are derived from a combination of real-time updates received from Johns Hopkins, CDC, World Health Organization, United Nations COVID Tracking Reports and Worldometer. On an individual state level, each state’s Department of Public Health is resourced. The EXPERIENCE team tracks these numbers multiple times over the course of a day.
As of today 12:01 a.m. this morning, the total number of tracked COVID-19 cases represents 1.43 percent of the U.S. population. The number of active COVID-19 cases represents 0.45 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 0.93 percent of the U.S. population.
The 4,730,454 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 to-date breaks down in terms of status as follows as of 12:01 a.m. this morning:
- Active cases — 1,494,443 cases or 31.6 percent, 32.3 percent yesterday
- Fully-recovered — 3,082,828 individuals or 65.2 percent, 63.9 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Deaths — 153,183 deaths or 3.3 percent, 3.3 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 49,038 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 16,708 cases, offset by the 65,279 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into recovery.
Last Monday a total of 1,539,063 active cases was cited in this column. Today, the number of active cases has declined to 1,494,443, or, a decline of 44,620 cases
The number of tests administered in the U.S. now totals 59,935,508 to-date. A total of 708,699 tests were completed in the U.S. in the past 24 hours.
The four expansion states, or, the four top states to recently post the highest counts, account for 46.1 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, today they index at 154 — or 54 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 9,397 new cases, 7,382 yesterday
- Texas — 4,618 new cases, 6,720 yesterday
- Florida — 7,104 new cases, 9,642 yesterday
- Arizona — 1,465 new cases, 2,992 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 17.9 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 188 — or 88 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- Georgia — 3,165 new cases, 3,660 yesterday
- South Carolina — 1,189 new cases, 1,583 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,673 new cases, 1,264yesterday
- Alabama — 2,095 new cases, 1,625 yesterday
- Mississippi — 672 new cases, 1,134 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 4.3 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 24 — or 76 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 467 new cases, 643 yesterday
- New Jersey — 245 new cases, 269 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 418 new cases, 438 yesterday
- Michigan — 429 new cases, 758 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 570 new cases, 681 yesterday.
There are four more states that have posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,467 new cases
- Louisiana — 3,467 new cases — 4th highest state count today
- Tennessee — 1,443 new cases
- Nevada — 1,131 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 total 467 as of this morning, compared to the 1,123 deaths posted yesterday. 41.3 percent of the deaths took place in the four expansion states — California, Florida, Texas and Arizona.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 18,673 as of this morning. The number of “critical/serious” cases represents 1.2 percent of the total active cases.
Those who have recovered and are back in the mainstream now total 3,082,828, that is 106 percent more than the number of individuals that are currently active with COVID-19.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
As of this morning, the number of TOTAL tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.42 percent of the population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.45 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 survivor cases represents 0.91 percent of the U.S. population.
The 4,622,987 individuals in the U.S. that have been tracked with having encountered COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. break down in terms of status as follows:
- Active cases — 1,511,151 cases or 32.3 percent, 33.4 percent yesterday
- Fully-recovered — 3,017,549 individuals or 63.9 percent, 63.3 percent yesterday (based on 14-day U.S. universal recovery time)
- Deaths — 152,716 deaths or 3.3 percent, 3.3 percent yesterday (COVID-19 direct and indirect cause of death).
While new cases grew by 58,429 in the past 24 hours, the total number of active cases declined by 5,923 cases, offset by the 673,259 individuals surviving COVID-19 and moving into recovery.
The number of tests administered here in the U.S. now totals 59,226,909 to-date. A total of 635,857 tests were completed in the U.S. in the past 24 hours.
The four expansion states, or, the four top states to recently post the highest counts, account for 45.7 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, today they index at 153 — or 53 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- California — 7,382 new cases, 7,878 yesterday
- Texas — 6,720 new cases, 9,750 yesterday
- Florida — 9,642 new cases, 9,007 yesterday
- Arizona — 2,992 new cases, 3,212 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 15.9 percent of the new cases in the past 24. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 167 or 67 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- Georgia — 3,660 new cases, 4,066 yesterday — 4th highest state count again today
- South Carolina — 1,583 new cases, 1,444 yesterday
- North Carolina — 1,264 new cases, 2,012 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,625 new cases, 1,961 yesterday
- Mississippi — 1,134 new cases, 1,168 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 4.8 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. this morning. These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 27 — or 73 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 643 new cases, 745 yesterday
- New Jersey — 269 new cases, 559 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 428 new cases, 514 yesterday
- Michigan — 758 new cases, 793 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 681 new cases, 934 yesterday.
There are seven more states that have posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours:
- Illinois — 1,639 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,352 new cases
- Maryland — 1,019 new cases
- Wisconsin — 1,062 new cases
- Oklahoma — 1,244 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 totaled 1,123 as of this morning, compared to 1,462 deaths that posted yesterday. More than half, 56.7 percent, of the deaths took place in the four expansion states.
The number of “critical/serious” cases totaled 18,750 as of 12:01 a.m. this morning.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the main stream of society now totals 3,017,549, double the number of individuals than are currently active with COVID-19.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
As of this morning, the number of total tracked COVID-19 cases in the United States represents 1.40 percent of the population. The number of tracked active COVID-19 cases represents 0.45 percent of the U.S. population. The number of COVID-19 SURVIVOR cases represents 0.89 percent of the U.S. population.
With every Saturday I offer presentation of the local numbers by breaking down those of two major areas — the greater Atlanta metro area and its five primary counties — Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Cobb and Clayton — and greater Athens including its six contributing counties — Clarke, Oconee, Barrow, Jackson, Madison, and Oglethorpe.
The table below provides the number of total COVID-19 cases, active cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time, recovered cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time, and deaths as cited either directly or indirectly by the local authorities.
The number of cases year-to-date in the five Atlanta counties account for 35.1 percent of the 186,352 COVID-19 cases tracked to-date statewide in Georgia. The five Atlanta counties account for 35.7 percent of the Georgia population.
The number of cases year-to-date in the six greater Athens counties account for 2.4 percent of the 186,352 COVID-19 cases tracked to-date statewide in Georgia. As a group, the six greater Athens counties account for 3.4 percent of the Georgia population.
Recovered cases in greater Athens represent more than double the number of active cases as of this morning!.
The next table provides the percentage count of total COVID-19 cases, active cases based on the U.S. 14-Day national recovery time, recovered cases based on the U.S. 14-day national recovery time and deaths as cited either directly or indirectly by the local authorities. Nearly two-thirds of year-to-date COVID-19 cases in greater Athens have now recovered.
Here is a specific breakdown of the stats for the five Atlanta counties. Note that the number of active cases in all the counties has declined in the past week (August 1 vs. July 25), similar to what is happening country-wide in the U.S.
Here is a specific breaks of the stats for the greater Athens six counties. The number of active cases has declined in Athens-Clarke County, Oconee and Oglethorpe counties as compared to the active count posting last Saturday July 25.
On a national level, the total number of new cases tracked in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. this morning has increased by 70,904 new active COVID-19 cases. However, the total number of new cases tracked has been offset by the 74,388 individuals who moved into RECOVERY based on the national 14-day recovery period. The number of active COVID-19 cases again decreased by 4,946 individuals — a daily decrease that has taken place four days in a row.
A new record number of tests completed in 24 hours took place yesterday in the U.S. Over one million tests were conducted in the past 24 hour — 1,067,190. The total number of test completed in the U.S. now tops out over 58 million — 58,591,052. Essentially one out of every four adults have taken a COVID-19 test.
The four expansion states, or, the four top states to recently post the highest counts, account for 42.1 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. this morning. These four states account for 29.9 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, this morning they index at 141, or 41 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID cases.
- California — 7,878 new cases, 8,174 yesterday
- Texas — 9,750 new cases, 8,843 yesterday
- Florida — 9,007 new cases, 9,956 yesterday
- Arizona — 3,212 new cases, 2,525 yesterday.
The five southeastern states previously identified as experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases account for 15.0 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. this morning. These five states account for 9.5 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 158, or 58 percent above proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
Georgia — 4,066 new cases, 3,936 yesterday — 4th highest state count again this morning
- South Carolina — 1,444 new cases, 1,726 yesterday
- North Carolina — 2,012 new cases, 2,588 yesterday
- Alabama — 1,961 new cases, 1,980 yesterday
- Mississippi — 1,168 new cases, 1,775 yesterday.
The five early case states account for 5.0 percent of the new cases in the past 24 hours as of 12:01 a.m. this morning. These five states account for 17.6 percent of the U.S. population. As a group, they index at 28, or 72 percent below proportionate average in the posting of new COVID-19 cases.
- New York — 745 new cases, 940 yesterday
- New Jersey — 559 new cases, 432 yesterday
- Massachusetts — 514 new cases, 414 yesterday
- Michigan — 793 new cases, 807 yesterday
- Pennsylvania — 934 new cases, 869 yesterday.
There are seven more states that have posted more than 1,000 cases in the past 24 hours.
- Illinois — 1,980 new cases
- Louisiana — 1,799 new cases
- Tennessee — 3,088 new cases
- Ohio — 1,531 new cases
- Maryland — 1,169 new cases
- Missouri — 1,547 new cases
- Nevada — 1,264 new cases.
The number of deaths either directly or indirectly linked to COVID-19 total 1,462 as of 12:01 a.m. this morning compared to 1,465 deaths that posted yesterday… More than half — 55.4 percent — of the deaths took place in the four expansion states — California, Florida, Texas and Arizona.
The number of “critical/serious” cases total 17,958 as of 12:01 a.m. this morning.
The number of those who have recovered and are back in the main stream of society now totals 2,954,290 — that is 95 percent more individuals that have recovered than are currently active with COVID-19.